As the semester comes to an end and students are preparing to CRUSH their finals, there can be many different moods found on our lovely CyRide. Here are just a few.
1. The "Smiler"
Even though it is about 7:30 in the morning this person has a big smile on their face. You always wish you were this person but you also wonder if they are secretly a serial killer. Like, why are you so happy right now? Are you really this happy or are you just trying to hide the crazy within.
2. The "Over Caffeinated"
Probably don't even need to tell you what this person looks like. We have all been there.
3. The "Under Caffeinated"
You probably don't hear much from this person on the bus. Their brain can't seem to get it's stuff together right now. Again, we have all probably been there.
4. The "Frantic"
It's obvious that this person forgot to study for their early exam and is frantically trying to learn everything they can in this 5 minute bus ride. Their brain is probably like, "um no" and rejecting all of this knowledge because it is WAY too early for this.
5. The "Jammer"
This person has their music so loud that everyone else on the bus is tapping and nodding their heads along with the beat of this person's music (including the bus driver).
6.The "Sleeper"
This person is simply out cold toward the back of the bus. There is a possibility this person will ride the bus loop until noon when someone finally has the heart to nudge them back to the living world.
7.The "Chatter"
This person is on the phone complaining about their dream/night/life to someone (probably their mom) and everyone on the bus is pretending that they aren't listening to every detail of what happened in this dream/night/life (they are and they are probably making mental notes in case they someday want to write an article about crazy things they've heard while on the bus).
8. The "I just don't care anymore "
This person just DOES NOT CARE. They are just over this semester and this 8 a.m and just doesn't give a rip about anything.
9. The "eye roller"
This person finds everything repulsive at this hour. And everyone can totally relate to them because they are also rolling their eyes at every little thing.
10. The "Yes I went out last night and am still alive and well"
This person knows they did some regrettable things last night, but hey, they made it on this bus on time for their last week of 8 a.m.s.
P.S. I've been all these people at one time or another. Well, except for the smiler.