We all know people who have their quirks on New Year's. Some of these people are happy, others not so much. No matter the type of person, some people just fit into stereotypes that never seem to fail when this time of year comes around.
1. The "see you next year" people.
These are the people that will walk out of a room for five minutes and look at you with a smile.
"See you next year" they say gleefully with a laugh, while all you want to do is tackle them to the floor.
2. The resolution setters.
The resolution setters always have a long list of things they will change by this time next year. Most will give up in less than a week, but to those who don't, good job!
3. The New Year's blackouts.
These people see New Year's Eve as the perfect time to not remember where or when they are, so that's just what they do up until midnight.
4. The make-out mongers.
Oh, it's midnight! Let's kiss as many people as we can!
5. The new year nappers.
The people who can't even stay awake until midnight. They go out around 11:30 p.m. and wake up the next morning without caring.
6. The countdown creepers.
Sometimes starting the countdown at 60 seconds is a bit too much. Nobody wants to pretend to be excited for a whole minute.
7. Weird traditionalists.
Don't chew the herring. Just swallow it like a pill.
8. The diet disasters.
The people who will eat a cookie at 11 p.m. then tell you they are on a diet at midnight. A truly incredible species. You do you.
9. The boyfriend or girlfriend wisher.
When people don't have anybody to kiss at midnight, you often hear the phrase, "My resolution is to have a boyfriend/girlfriend by this time next year!" Maybe they will, but also they may say it again next year.
10. The unenthusiastic partier.
In reality, some of us aren't excited about New Year's Eve. It's just another day. We all deal with the new year in a different way. What matters is that we all have a good time while doing it.