Going to the gym is like going to the zoo: so many different types of animals that you can't but help it to analyze. Coming from a active gym member, I have seen many types of people working out.The range from male to female and will make you feel as if you are at the zoo.
1. Cardio Bunny
This is the girl or boy that spends their time only on the elliptical. The cardio bunny can be found alone or sometimes with her girlfriends, talking. The cardio bunny is a common species and can't be found anywhere else in the gym.The cardio bunny comes in the Nike pros, tight tank tops and new Nike running shoes. You can find her by the amount of makeup she wears and the powerful smell of her Chanel No. 5.
2. The Gym Bro
This species consists of the guy who would be better off not wearings a shirt because he basically isn't wearing one. You can spot these guys based on the obvious lack of training applied to their lower body. They can be found on any machine that helps your arms and back. He is the guy that says, "Bro do you even lift?" While he may lift upper body, his legs can be passed as hot dogs.
3. The New Years Resolution's
This species comes out from hibernation in the beginning of January and goes back into their caves around February.The New Years Resolutions are very bright-eyed and naive. They will not know the ways of the gym and will most likely get in your way in the weight room. You can spot them from their new workout clothes and the shy persona they give off. Don't fret—after a month they will feel accomplished and will not be coming back to the gym.
4. The Creeper
This is the guy you see walking around with IGL (imaginary lat syndrome) who doesn't look like he's ever worked out a day in his life. He walks around the gym and pretends to be on his phone but really he is just staring at you. The Creeper looks at nobody in particular—he will stare at males and females. Then, when you look at him, he will just look away and move on to another victim.
5. The Gym Rat
Now this species is very different from the others. The gym rat is a species that is always at the gym and knows his or her way around more than any normal person. The gym rat is the guy or girl that you see in your morning yoga class and then in the evening for your post-work workout. The gym rat is very self confident and can vary from person to person. While some may take offense to this nickname, the gym rat loves this term and will even call themselves that as they are flexing in the mirror at the gym.
6. The Hairy Hulk
While from far away he may seem harmless, up close that is not the case. He will sit on the weight bench you were about to use or the bike you were about to go on. The hairy hulk will use a machine and leave sweat stains and hair on the machine. Remember that protein bar you ate before? Well, that's about to come back up. He will usually keep to himself and is known to be using over the head headphones. So while he is harmless, watch out for the hair.
7. The Grunter
This, my friend, is the call of the Grunter. He is the guy in the weight room that sounds like he is having a bad reaction from Mexican food. You can hear the Grunter from across the gym and maybe into the parking lot. He probably has attention issues and would want every person to be looking at him.
8. The girl who only wears a sports bra and spandex
These girls are not like the cardio bunnies—they are the wanna be Victoria's Secret models who usually do cardio, abs, arms and butt. They are found throughout the gym since they do not stick to one machine. Even after her spinning class and leg day, she still looks hotter, and most of the gym members will give her attention like the Grunter.
9. The machine hog
Out of all of the gym species, these are the most annoying. These species are the ones that do the five reps on the machine you want. They vary from the texting machine hog, to the normal machine hog. They can travel alone or in packs of three or more. The machine hog will sit there and gossip about sports, girls or anything they can think of. They take their time, and will get mad at you when you ask if they're done.
10. The girl that tries to out tool the guys
This girl is not like the cardio bunnies or the girl who only wears a sports bra and spandex. She is the girl that walks in with a frat tank and spandex. She knows the ways of the gym and how to work out. She isn't afraid to go into the weight room and be the only girl in there. You know how the Gym Fat flexes in the mirror—well, she does that too.