The most dreadful time of the year is upon most high school students: exams weeks. These grades either make or break your final scores, and there are a few people that you are bound to see. Here are 10 types of people you'll see during finals week.
1. The "A" Student
This person has been studying from day one. Day zero. Probably since they were born. Finals are in May? Pshhh — better start studying when school starts in August.
2. The All Nighter
This person waits till the last minute to study. Legitimately, the very last minute. So last minute that you'll probably see them starting to read the textbook as the teacher walks in to start the exam.
3. The Emotional Drainer
The emotional drainer is seen crying ages before examination day, just whining and crying about how they're going to fail the test. They're crying while studying. They're crying while in the bathroom. They're crying while entering the exam room. We understand that you're stressed, but just watching you cry is emotionally exhausting for us as well. So please go cry in private... otherwise, we'll start crying too.
4. The "Wait, what?"
This person is constantly asking other people questions, just confused about anything and everything that's gonna be on the test. The phrase "Wait, what?" is the easiest way to catch this person.
5. The Hermit
You won't see this person during the week of exams. If you do, they'll probably be buried under a mountain of papers and a pile of books. They're practically a hermit, barely eating or sleeping. The only thing they do is breathe and study.
6. The "I didn't do anything...."
"... but somehow I still manage to ace the test." The person is also considered a liar because let's be honest, there's no way you did not study for that history exam without even peeking at the review book.
7. The Giraffe
AKA the "I'm trying to cheat, but it's not working." By the time the person comes out of them exam room, their neck is longer than a giraffe's. From looking and stretching over to see their neighbor's paper, this person isn't very subtle when it comes to cheating.
8. The Sniffler
This person is seen in the exam room, during the actual test. Actually, this isn't a single person. It's more like half the room. All of a sudden half the testing room has been contaminated with bronchitis and the flu by just entering the room. Sniffling, coughing, sneezing. Tissues are piled on people's desks; test papers are covered in snot. Yuck!
9. The "I'm winging it"
This person simply does not care about exams. Either their grades can afford to fail, or they simply have given up in life. They can be seen everywhere that's considered fun because they're doing everything but studying.
10. The Calculator
The Calculator is usually everyone before exams — calculating last minute projects and tests before the exams begin so you can see what you can afford to get on the test. We've all done it before, just whipped out our calculator and started analyzing how low our grade can be on the final to still have a passing grade in the class.
So to everyone studying for finals....