Look around — you'll probably see...
1. The Pencil Borrower
I always keep a dollar tree pencil in my backpack for these types of people.
2. The Know-It-All
No matter how much information you know, they'll insist they know more.
3. The Persecutor
That person who at the end of a group's presentation who raises their hand and questions them making their project look bad.
4. The Sleepyhead
Always asleep and possibly snoring louder than the teacher is talking.
5. The Tardy Pants
For some reason they always show up late and manage to slam the door loudly behind them so that everyone knows that they are late.
6. The Excuse Giver
Basically the kid that can come up with 100 excuses as to why an assignment is late.
7. The Backseat
The one student in the very back corner who is gone immediately when class is over.
8. The Arguer
The person who has to correct the teacher and explain thoroughly as to why they were wrong.
9. The Silent One
That kid you forgot was in your class until your teacher calls on them in order to force them to participate.
10. The Sargent
The person who does the entire group project by themselves the day after it was assigned and insists on all the credit.