Ah, it seems as though it is that time of the year again. The time for friends and family, cozy sweaters, and hearty soul food is upon us. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, many are taking the time to reflect on how the year has gone in reference to how their relationships with others have either flourished or deteriorated, and what they are thankful for. However, the best part of Thanksgiving is yet to come - the routine dinner, bursting with different personalities all seated at one table. Thus, there are different kinds of people at each Thanksgiving dinner.
1. The instigator
Every family has that one family member that enjoys the art of starting arguments. It seems as though not much time has to pass before they’ve already put everyone on edge. These are the ones that enjoy egging people on as they dissect the most controversial issues plaguing society, often times politics-related. They sometimes don’t even feel the need to participate in the argument. They simply start it for the sole purpose of starting it.
2. The drama bomb
This family member isn’t afraid to say what’s on his or her mind. They use Thanksgiving dinner as a platform for their own personal agenda, which often involves calling out other family members on things that upset them throughout the past year. Why didn’t Cheryl invite Lisa to Easter brunch? Why was Ruby the first to know about Martha’s pregnancy? Regardless, someone is getting called out in front of the whole family.
3. The one with the big announcement
Every year, someone at Thanksgiving dinner always has something new to report. Whether it’s a new promotion, a new significant other, an engagement, or a pregnancy - it will most definitely be announced at Thanksgiving with the entire family present. Beware of one-upping, however; it won’t be long before another family member tries to top the news with news of their own.
4. The chronic toast giver
Basically the family alcoholic. The one that toasts to everything in an attempt to get drunk before dessert, whether it be a toast to the family dog or to the fact that the host just got a new lamp in their living room. They may also try to start drinking games, like “taking a shot for every time an argument starts” or encourage underage drinking.
5. The frantic host
No matter who is hosting, this family member is always in a hurry and possesses ghostlike qualities throughout the entire night. They’re in and out more than the burger chain, and they seem to always be worried about something. If the job of making the turkey was delineated to them, expect there to be a bit more pep in their step and a cloud of stress surrounding them throughout the night.6. The one that gets salty about being put at the kids' table
There’s never enough seats at the adult table for everyone. Sadly, this means that if you’re under 18, you get put with all the three year olds. These are the ones that never let their family forget their plight of being put at the kids’ table, and are forever mad about it. They’ll pout and sit there looking unhappy for most of the night, until they become amused by the younger ones at the table with them and end up drawing pictures with crayons the whole night.
7. The one that gets overly emotional
This is the type of fellow to start the conversation about what it is exactly that everyone is thankful for, only to rant for twenty minutes about how lucky they feel to be a part of such a great family and to have all that they have, much to the dismay of the others. Their speech usually ends in crying while the other family members roll their eyes.
8. The potential new family member
This is the new significant other in the family. You know, the one that's sitting still while all the drama unfolds, trying to mask their horror of finally meeting the whole family for the first time? This could also be the boyfriend everyone is waiting on to propose. Yikes.
9. The one that's always texting at the table
These guests couldn't be any less interested in what goes on at dinner, as they have their phones out in lieu of real face to face interaction. You may as well be talking to a wall. No, they won't pass the potatoes. Their group chat is more important (and probably full of silent complaints and play-by-plays about the members' respective Thanksgiving dinners).
10. The social media addict
They took a picture of the turkey. Then they posted the mashed potatoes and gravy to Facebook. Now they're narrating everything that goes on at dinner. It's as if they actually believe their 10 "loyal" followers on Twitter want to have anything to do with their Thanksgiving dinner antics when those followers probably are having their own.
"Oh my gosh, Aunt Shelby TOTALLY just called out Uncle Jeff for having an affair at dinner! #Lit #DesperateHousewives"