On average, retail employees interact with nearly 300 customers each day. From complaining about markdowns, to trashing the store just about every terrible customer falls into one of these 10 categories of the WORST types of customers you meet working retail.
1. The mom who wants to speak to a manager.
"I would like to speak to a manager."
Hey lady, don't you know the manager trained me and taught me everything I know? Therefore, you are wasting everyone's time because he will come up here and tell you the exact same thing I just told you.
2. The customer who believes the back room is magical.
"Can you check and see if you have this in a different color, oh and in a medium?"
Hate to break it to ya but all we have is what we have out on the floor, but sure, I'd love to go to the back room for you.
3. The "I was here yesterday and you had..."
I'll stop you right there, if you were here yesterday and you liked an item, why didn't you buy it then? No, we will not go on a wild goose chase trying to find the exact shirt you passed up yesterday, chances are it sold.
4. The epic mess makers.
Yes, I saw you take that shirt off the hanger, hold it up to you and toss it over the rack. I also saw you unload your items onto a shelf where they didn't belong. I can't wait to clean up after you.
5. The thieves.
Actually the worst. This isn't my store or my personal belongings, I just really don't wanna deal with you stealing from us, please just pay for the $10 shirt instead of shoving it in your purse.
6. The frequent returner.
I can always count on a visit from you Monday mornings or the end of the month. You have a giant pile of clothes that you don't have a receipt for, but you still expect cash because you "have bills to pay!"
7. The cheap schemers.
Ten percent off for a chip, a Groupon code, a printed coupon, oh also, I'd like to see if your manager would take anything off because this looks out of style. Oh, and this one looks the
8. The jokesters.
Okay, your first joke was funny, and the second one I may or may not have faked a laugh, but if I have to hear, "No price tag, it must be free!" one more time...
9. The last minute shoppers.
If you walk in the store 10 minutes 'til close you fall into this category of terrible people. We just want out of here, okay?
10. The "customer is always right" customer.
This statement is not right, and neither is the customer. Sorry, I'm the trained one here.
11. The rude customers.
Best for last, or worst for last in this case. These are the type of people who it might actually kill them to be nice for five minutes while I finish their transaction. And the worst thing is, these people know you have to be nice to them because after all, the customer is always right!