College can be the best of times and the worst of times, all in the same day. A professor can make or break a class. Below are 10 college professors that you will likely come across in your college career. More likely than not, if you're like me, your college career is five years. Which one is you favorite?
1. The Auctioneer
This professor lectures with no visuals all class long. They talk so fast that it seems your only option is to record them or let your hand fall off from taking notes. You have to attend every single one of these professor's classes, or you will miss what seems like two weeks of information.
2. The Walking Textbook
This professor teaches and tests straight out of the textbook. Either they made the textbook themselves, or they are too lazy to make their own notes. Hope that this professor doesn't have an attendance policy because attending this class will be pointless.
3. The "Student"
This professor tells you to call them by their first name on the first day of class. They want to make sure you know they are just like you. They give you their personal cell on the syllabus because that isn't beyond weird.
4. The Intimidator
This professor tells you on the first day that very few people actually pass their class, so you better study your ass off. These professors are all bark and no bite.
5. The Misunderstood
This professor is oddly often teaching the hardest classes. Maybe they are so hard because you not only have to learn the information, but you have to interpret their accent to English. They may spend the whole class mumbling. Hopefully they don't spend the whole class yelling thinking they are using their inside voice.
6. The Chili Pepper
This professor was rated hot online, so you signed up. Class is always better with a good view.
7. The Judge
This professor says they are teaching their class without giving their opinion. They lied. They often say "I'm just playing devil's advocate" or "I'm not supposed to tell you my view but..."
8. The PowerPoint Hoe
This professor has a new PowerPoint every day. All they do is read from the slides. Great for a visual leaner and great for note takers.
9. Mr. Impossible
This professor has you crying after the first test all the way until the end of the semester (if you don't drop). They think it is the students fault that the whole class got an average of 60 on the exam. Just hope drop/add is still going after the first exam.
10. The Slacker
This professor never responds to your emails no matter how many you send. They also take the entire semester to grade the assignment you turned in syllabus week. You practically have to chase this professor down if you want something (aka Cameron Diaz in "Bad Teacher").