10 Best TV Shows On Netflix
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10 Best TV Shows On Netflix

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10 Best TV Shows On Netflix
Business Insider

Spoiler Alerts are on their way so if you look at the title of the show and haven't seen it, go watch it right now and then continue reading this. :) I have seen all of these shows at least two times all the way through. Yeah, that's right. Some I have seen probably 5 times. My priorities are intact, I don't care what you are thinking. These are the top 10 TV shows on Netflix in no particular order. Watch them. Watch them again. Do it.

1. "How I Met Your Mother"

Marshall, Ted, Lily, Robin and Barney have the friend group that I want when I am in my late 20's and peaking. I want to sit at my bar in my booth with my friends and then I will know that I made it in life. This show is the kind of funny that you don't laugh out loud to but you highly appreciate, you know? It's hilarious but in a relatable way. I watch this show constantly, like it's just always on. There are also 9 seasons so if you haven't seen it, buckle up your seatbelt and get going. Also, the show doesn't stop right when he meets the mother which is a little "okey dokie" but I'm not complaining. I love this show so much. If you haven't seen it, come on man that's just stupid of you.

2. "Friends"

I wish I lived in the 90's when this show is on. Rachel and Monica never wear bras which is like "go you girl be comfy" but also like "you're nipping put a bra on." Chandler is by far the funniest character and if I have to listen to Ross saying him and Rachel were "on a break" one more time I might write the producers a letter and ask them just why they decided to hire him 20 years ago. He's the worst, but his monkey is cool as all hell. This show is hilarious and heartwarming and you gotta watch it, you just gotta. It's a classic.

3. "Gossip Girl"

Don't even get me started. Chuck Bass is hot. Like so damn hot. And so is Nate. Everyone in this cast is beautiful except Dan who honestly could have been fired from the show and no one would miss him. Everyone wishes they lived on the upper east side and had this amazing lifestyle. If you want to fantasize about being super rich and also feel bad about yourself watch it. The fashion, the location, the romance. EVERYTHING about this show is amazing. The beginning of season five is kind of boring, but every good show has a plateau at one point. If you even ask me about Chuck and Blair's relationship I tear up. I can't talk about it, it's too close to my heart. One more shoutout to Chuck Bass. Damn he's so hot. Also they super downplayed that the character of Jenny was totally on cocaine when she spiraled out of control but I guess the CW can only hint at that. Ugh.

4. "Shameless"

Quick warning there's so much sex in this show. A highly absurd amount, actually. Just know what you are getting into before starting it. But when you get past that this show rocks. It's real, crass, to the point, and sometimes brutal to watch. The characters go through some real shit. Fun fact: I met Carl when he was visiting U of I this year. I know. I know. Seriously watch this show it's awesome and slaps you in the face with its plot lines. It's a rollercoaster of emotions and it's so gooooooddd. Watch it, love it, watch it one more time. Also, Lip is everything.

5. "Gilmore Girls"

Classic. Classic. Classic. Classic. Classic. This is a happy-go-lucky, carefree show. The small town where everybody knows each other is adorable. Single mom with conservative parents, relatable. Rori with so many cute boyfriends. Confusing how she gets all these guys but omg. Dean sucks. If you say you like Dean, go home no one asked you to watch this. Well, actually, I did but not anymore. Jess is perfect for Rori but rebellious and Logan is the ultimate F***boy who changes for a girl. I can't, I have been watching this show since I was 12. I have all the episodes on DVD. D...V...D. I want to live in Stars Hollow, I want to go to Luke's and I want to eat as much as the Gilmore girls eat and be as witty and drink as much coffee as them. Goals.

6. "One Tree Hill"

This is 9 seasons of pure glory. Some episodes are heart wreaking, some are happy. All of them are so good. Nathan is hot, Lucas is a little too "poetry" for my taste. Brooke is a badass. Peyton is annoying. Haley is everybody. This show is more like two completely different shows. High school and after high school are so different but so equally good. I love it. It's so unrealistic for all that happens to these people to actually happen to a group of people that live in North Carolina but damn. I can't get enough of it. Go Ravens.

7. "New Girl"

This is the funniest show I have ever seen. People don't believe that this show would be funny, but my roommate and I literally laugh out loud constantly to this show. I wanna live with a bunch of hilarious guys in Los Angeles like Jess does. Whoever are the writers of this show, props to you, you are funny people. Like honestly you deserve promotions. I watch this show on repeat and it never gets old. Winston is my spirit animal, but so is Schmidt, and Nick and Coach... They're all just so relatable but also completely ridiculous. I don't even know anymore.

8. "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit"

This is not a funny show that's for sure. This has some serious shit in it. Ice T is in it though, which has always confused me but I love Ice T so... Only specific people love this show. It's not for everyone, it's a lot to handle. But this show is awesome and intriguing and I get so into it because it's so so interesting. If you want something that you end up giving all your attention to watch this man.

9. "The Office"

I don't even need to talk about this. We all know that this is the funniest show on earth. Dwight, Michael, Jim, Pam, Tobi, Kevin, all of the people that work at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. The fact that a show about coworkers at a paper company is so damn funny is crazy. This is another on repeat show and another laugh out loud every time I see it show. If you haven't seen this show, you must have like just been born because it's highly unlikely. I love The Office. Ahh

10. "Friday Night Lights"

Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Tim Riggins. Is. So. Damn. Hot. Holy. Hell.

Can we just? Like seriously? I want to watch them all right now. Is that possible? I'm looking for suggestions on how to watch all these at the same time. Let me know if you know how. Don't leave me hanging, please help me. Eh, I'll just start with "How I Met Your Mother".

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