From fall concert to spring pop show, these 10 truths will bring you back to the golden years of wobbly stands and floppy binders.
1. “Okay, one more time” is the biggest lie you’ve ever been told.
One more time = at least five more times.
2. There’s always that one soprano… or alto, or tenor, or bass let’s be honest.
The golden rules of blending and listening just don’t apply to them.
3. That feeling when you try to sing that high g at ppp and you think you might implode.
The voice cracks. Oh, the voice cracks.
4. Feeling like you should get a PE credit for show choir rehearsal.
Singing AND dancing? UNHEARD OF.
5. ...Or language credit.
German, Latin, French… it’s probably a religious hymnal tbh.
6. Holiday music rehearsal starts in October, and tbh you don’t hate it.
7. But, it’s all fun and reindeer games until UIL season starts.
“I can’t. I have rehearsal.”
8. Your director has seen you cry more times than you’d care to admit.
The vocal coach turned life coach.
9. You develop a love-hate relationship with every member.
One day you’re best friends, and the next, you’re both auditioning for the same solo.
10. But isn’t that what being a family is all about?
They say you take it all out on the ones you love the most anyway.