There are two types of schools in the country: large schools, like University of Michigan, or a small school like mine, Lincoln Memorial University. Going to a small school in a small town can be difficult. There are many things that happen at these small schools that everyone attending a small school can relate to.
1. Everyone knows everyone.
When you go to a small school, you know almost everyone on campus. That also means that everyone knows you. This can cause a lot of problems in the drama and rumor department.
2. Your commute to class is five minutes.
The campus is very small, which means that the commute to class is short and you don’t have to get out of bed until 10 minutes before class. However, if it wasn’t short already, you drive your car to class to shrink that commute time.
3. Your professors are like family.
You can talk to them about anything and they’ll give you great advice. You’ll babysit their kids. If you’re late to class, they’ll give you a wake-up call.
4. There’s one cafeteria and everyone complains about it.
There is only one breakfast, lunch, and dinner spot on campus. It’s where you sit as a family with your friends and eat food that you pay way too much money for. It also doesn’t help that there are only five restaurants in the surrounding town to choose from.
5. The majority of your campus is made of athletes.
Since the majority of the student body and residents are student athletes, we all become very close. The only other students left are locals and they go home on the weekends.
6. You don’t lock your dorm door!
Since everyone knows each other and the campus is so small, you just figure that nothing will happen. So, as a result, no doors are locked. If you do lock a door, you’ll be judged.
7. There’s one bar that everyone goes to.
There’s that one bar that all of the students go to on the weekends. You’ll meet up with all of your friends and you’ll hangout with the same people every weekend.
8. No one knows where your school is.
When people ask you what university you go to, you usually have to start the sentence with, “It’s a small school about an hour north of (insert next closest city).” Then you tell them the name and they’ll still look puzzled. They’ll follow up with the question, “How did you end up there?”
9. There’s nowhere near enough parking on campus.
Everyone brings their car to college, so there are not enough spots for everyone. It becomes a competitive race to find a spot.
10. You always complain about it, but you love it.
You started complaining about the school on day one, but you love it and that is why you’re still there.