If you're from Shamokin, PA, you know...
1. There is a bar and church on every corner.
2. Shamokin has its own slang.
Ho-butt! Shimtown. Yous guys.
3. It takes 20 minutes to cross town because roads are closed for road work.
My question is why?
4. Technically the orange stream of water flowing through town is a creek, but we all refer to it as a "crick".
5. Block parties are like reunions; everyone comes out.
It's basically the only entertainment us residents have.
6. The roads are so bad that it's easier to drive out the mountains.
And with the mountains around here, that's saying something.
7. We're the only town who celebrates New Years by watching a lump of foam coal descend down a wire in town.
Do we know how to celebrate or what?