1. Humility
This one is a big one for me (hence why it's first on the list). It's hard to live with someone who believes they are God's gift to this earth, and pride can be death of an otherwise healthy marriage.
2. A sense of humor
The ability to laugh things off can really go a long way. I tend to have a type-A, gotta-stick-to-the-plan personality, so it's important to find a man that can balance that out and remind me not to take life too seriously.
3. Passion for life
Having someone to come alongside you and remind you to live life to the fullest is something irreplaceable. I strive to find a husband that takes every day as a gift and encourages me to do the same.
4. Willingness to help out around the house
Coming home after a long day to find that your husband has already done the dishes or started on dinner can make a rough day seem a lot better. I hope someday to find someone who understands that housework isn't fun for anyone and doesn't mind helping out sometimes.
5. Patience
Patience goes a long way in maintaining a healthy marriage. It's easy to get along at first, but once your annoying habits start to wear on one another, you'll really see what your relationship is made of. The ability to let things roll off you is imperative, yet so hard sometimes. It takes work and self-discipline but definitely pays off in the long run.
6. A love for fun
An adventure-filled, loving-life-with-my-best-friend kind of marriage is something I hope to have one day.
7. Drive to be successful
By this, I don't mean "a love of money," or "a desire to make us rich and powerful." That couldn't be farther from the truth. Instead, I'm talking about a passion for being the best that he can be in whatever he does. This trait is often hard to find because so many people are willing to settle for whatever comes easy to them. Choosing not to settle for that kind of person and waiting for someone who tries hard in everything he does is one of the best decisions a woman can make.
8. Desire to help those around him
The guy who sees someone in need and goes out of his way to help them is someone worth hanging on to.
9. A heart for Jesus
This and the next point are the points in this list that are absolutely, positively, 110% crucial. It's so important to find a man that truly loves Jesus Christ, not a guy who goes to church on Sunday mornings and has a Bible verse in his Instagram bio so you think he's probably a Christian.
10. The ability to lead our family
This is an attribute that does not get emphasized enough. It is the man's job to lead the household, both physically and spiritually, but that often gets shortchanged in our society. I pray to find a man one day who desires to lead me and our children towards Christ, encourages each of us to do what is right, and strives to keep our house a place of peace and comfort.
I know I will not marry a perfect man; there has only ever been one perfect man, and He walked the earth around 2,000 years ago. I also know that I will never find someone who encompasses all these traits 100% of the time. That's not what this list is, though. It's not a checklist or a rubric. It's a list of characteristics that I hope will help lead me to the man God has in store for me, a man who will come alongside me and be a complement to my strengths and weaknesses. No marriage is perfect, but I hope to one day have a fulfilling marriage that reflects God's love.