1. What do I want to do with my life?
Analyze the things you are not only good at, but the things you have a passion for. Hobbies and curiosities can turn into careers and lifelong positions.
2. How do I want people to remember me?
The way you treat others and carry yourself decides how the world sees you. Although other’s opinions of you aren’t everything, marketing yourself respectively can create great opportunities for you in the long run.
3. When am I going to become completely independent?
Relying on your parents for everything is great, for a while. But there comes a time when the ties need to be cut and you need to start pulling your own weight. The toughest part is figuring out when, and how.
4. What do I want with my love life?
Deciding whether or not to truly focus on yourself or seek a lifelong partner is a tough decision. Making a list of what you want in a partner and what you love about being single may help you decide whether or not to pursue someone.
5. Who are the types of people I want to surround myself with?
Influence is everything to us, the people we are around, shapes who we become. It can be tough to walk away from certain people in order to change who you are surrounded by daily, but it will benefit you and the decisions you make for yourself.
6. How do I take my health and wellness into my own hands?
Having your mom handle all of your doctors and dentist appointments, but it is so much more rewarding to feel like you are on top of your health by yourself. Take control of your medical records and appointments. Relieve your parents and know more about your health than they do. Also, your mom is not there to tell you to eat your veggies anymore or when you need to start hitting the gym anymore, that’s on you now.
7. What do I need and what can I live without?
Spending money in college involves a lot of compromises. Do you really need new clothes, or should you save your new paycheck for groceries next month? College helps you simplify your life for the better and find value in having fewer rather than more.
8. What are my own personalized opinions and moral values?
Most of us who leave for college are leaving with a lot of the same opinions and moral values that our parents set for us. College is an amazing time to learn more about the world and establish your own opinions about things whether it be about politics, money, or religion.
9. When do I prioritize work over fun?
College is a lot of fun but also a lot of hard work. There are many times where work must be put before partying and as hard as some of those decisions may be, they are crucial to your success.
10. Am I going to tend to my roots back home or establish new networks in new environments?
There comes a point in your life when you have to consider whether or not you are going to come back home or lay a foundation somewhere new. The idea of of living anywhere else other than the town you grew up in may be intimidating, but this is the perfect time to venture to new places and figure out what you like.