All college students can relate in certain ways. We all differ greatly, of course, but in a lot of ways, we're extremely similar. Here are 10 situations I believe we can all relate to.
1. When your professor vaguely describes an important new assignment
2. When you finally get a home-cooked meal
3. Or when you get free food...
4. When you're sick of people's attitude
5. When you just can't function anymore
6. When your assignment has that 6-page minimum and you don't know how to get it there
7. When someone you're not really fond of asks you to hang out
8. When you have to attend that lecture you just don't care about
9. When you're just not ready to let go of the weekend
10. When you finally get out of that really confusing class
Even if you're not a college student, you can relate to at least one of them. If you are one, you can definitely relate to more than one.