Finals week is quickly approaching. While some strategies might be to live off caffeine while cramming for exams and finishing up papers, I have some other tools for success.
1. Study at the library
I always find that I accomplish more work and I get distracted a lot less if I am studying an environment that is surrounded by others who are doing the same thing. Yes, the library does fill up quickly around this time of year, but there are always places to be found that people may not know about. Other academic buildings work as well.
2. Take quick breaks
It can be boring looking at the same textbook for hours on end of studying the same subject or topic. It is always good to take a break when you find yourself reading but not actually retaining any information. Grab a coffee or a snack and take a quick walk to come back refreshed.
3. Turn off your phone
If you are someone who gets easily distracted by having their phone next to them, turn it off while you study. It takes a lot longer to read through a chapter when you are constantly responding to messages on your phone or checking social media every 10 minutes. You can turn your phone back on during the breaks when you take them to check social media and respond to the messages.
4. Don’t procrastinate
This may seem a lot easier said than done. Especially when there a multiple assignments or tests on the same day, it may be tough to prepare, or at this point it may be too late and you might have to cram. Try to avoid this if possible, assignments become a lot less stressful when you are starting a paper the day before it is due. Also procrastinating ends up leading to very late nights which can affect your performance on tests.
5. Don’t skip meals
It may seem like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done and eat as well. Sometimes you may be thinking that something has to be sacrificed. Eating will provide you the proper energy to be able to focus, your brain needs food in order to function at its full capacity.
6. Drink a lot of water
This might not seem like something that will help you ace your finals directly. It is important to stay hydrated in order to maintain focus when studying, also water is good for you and can help prevent that feeling of dehydration or tiredness. Even just plain old water can improve mental performance.
7. Go to any review sessions
They might not seem like the most helpful depending on who you have as a professor, but it is a chance to show that you are dedicated and want to do well in the class. Professors usually take notice to those who are putting in the extra effort.
8. Create a study schedule
Creating a schedule can help break up large assignments into smaller chunks so they might not seem as daunting. If you are able to stick with the schedule this can be a great tool for success.
9. Prioritize your time
If you know one class has very tough exams, then it might be wise to spend more time studying for that class compared to a class that might not be as challenging. Another factor to take into account would be how you are doing in your classes, if you are struggling in one particular class, you may want to devote more time to assignments and studying for that class.
10. Listen to music or relax
It is important to keep stress levels in check, for some people this might mean listening to some calming music in order to reduce anxiety. Take some deep breaths if you are feeling overwhelmed and take a few minutes to decompress and think about something else.