Well, it's that time of year again. Finals are approaching, the warm weather is officially over, and of course, the holidays are right around the corner. With so much going on and the year coming to a close, it's very easy to lose all sources of motivation and just say "screw it" to everything from working out to writing that 10-page paper to, ya know, getting out of bed at all. Here's some tips to beat the winter blues and stay motivated even when you're really not!
1. Use Your Support
Step one: find a support system. Step two: use it! It's that simple. It's easy to forget about all of the people who love and support you when you have a million and one other things to do, but don't neglect your relationships with your loved ones. They are the ones who will push you to go forward and give you the motivation you may be lacking. Tell them about your situation and have a conversation about motivating each other-you'll be amazed at how much more productive you'll both be if you work on it together!
2. Be Creative
As much as you can, find some time to create. Even if you're terrible at it (believe me, I am) it will get the creative juices flowing and allow you to continue doing what you need to do. Read, write, draw, sing, make something beautiful; whatever that may be to you. There are thousands of ways to be creative but it's up to you to do it. Don't focus on how good your work is or how well you are able to create on any given day, but focus on the action itself and how it makes you feel.
3. Get Outside
Even if it's colder than Antarctica outside, get your fine self out there! Spending all of your time inside can be constrictive and, after a while, creates a feeling of entrapment. Get out into nature, even if that may be taking your dog for a walk, and really look around at all that surrounds you. When you start to look at things for what they are, you'll start to realize the beauty in everything. This will supply you with (some) extra motivation to finish what you have to do so then you can have your time inside with Netflix.
4. Get Active
It may be hard to find motivation to even do this, but the key is to find something you truly enjoy doing. Whether you're a runner, a biker, a kayaker, a hiker, or anything in between, go out and get moving. Studies have shown that those who lead an active lifestyle tend to be more successful, and it's no wonder; being sedentary for too long has negative impacts on your brain and your body. Even if it's a five minute break from the library, get up and get active. Walking for five minutes can reverse the negative effects of being seated for an hour so keep that in mind when you're trying to pull all-nighters. Get up and get the blood flowing, you'll find yourself with more energy and a better capacity to complete your work.
5. Keep Your Goals In Mind
When you have a clear, desired end goal, it's easier to find motivation to get there. If you really want something, regardless of how difficult it may be, you will find a way to get it. Set mini-goals for yourself and once you reach them, set some more. The idea is to always have new goals set for yourself because if not, then what are you doing to better yourself?
6. Don't Procrastinate (Too Much)
Know yourself and know how much time you need to complete a certain task. You should be quite intuitive when it comes to this; only you know how long it takes for you to write a paper or how much time you need to study for your test. Try to get things done sooner rather than later so that you have extra time for yourself later on, rather than chilling too hard and having to do cram everything into a night. You'll thank yourself later!
7. Treat Yo Self
If you know me, you know this is my ultimate motto. Life is all about balance: work and play, green tea and cake, you get the idea. Reward yourself for reaching goals, and then set some more goals. You'll be more motivated to complete your tasks when there's something waiting for you at the finish line. Buy yourself a new shirt, allow yourself some ice cream (the whole tub is not some, but I don't judge), or go out with friends for a night of fun. Regardless, treat yourself the way you'd like to be treated and give yourself a break. You deserve it!
8. Develop Yourself
The key to being a motivated person year-round is to really know yourself and be in tune with your emotions. Someone who is well-developed will be able to determine how they are feeling that day and schedule their workload around what they think they are able to do. On the other hand, if you don't listen to your body and emotions, you may find yourself pushing too hard and burning out. Listen to yourself, because you're usually right. Read some books on personal development and learn how to watch your mind. It may unlock a whole new reservoir of motivation.
9. See Reality
Going off of point #8, learn to recognize what is realistic for you. Some days we just aren't functioning at our optimal capacity, and you know what? THAT'S OKAY. It's okay to not be 100% 100% of the time; it doesn't make you weak, it makes you human. Realize when you are unable to do it all, but don't use it as an excuse.
10. Stop Making Excuses
Humans will always find excuses for things they don't want to do. Excuses are an illusion-don't listen to your mind when it tries to fabricate them. Unless you have a serious problem or emergency, there are no excuses for not doing what you need to do. Stop trying to blame your laziness on something else, because if you have control over it, that's all there is to it. Success doesn't come from nothing, it comes from hard work and dedication. Stop trying to find reasons not to do something and instead find all of the reasons to do it.