There are also those who get fat after some change in their lives. Anyway, if your goal is to lose weight here are 10 tips to achieve it and never increase again.
1. Set your goals and objectives
To achieve your goals like lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks, it is necessary to have a clear objective. For example, your initial goal may be to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) and your subsequent goal will decrease the rest. This way you can focus first on the first goal and motivate yourself to achieve it. With this plan, you can lose 0.5 to 1 pound per day.
2. Record everything you eat on a daily basis
According to some studies, taking note of everything you eat during the day helps you to be aware of your eating habits. That is the first step to be able to modify them and lose weight. So record the food and beverages consumed on your cell phone, notebook or in a notebook. Record amounts and you can even take pictures or scan the package codes.
3. Daily consumes a complete and balanced breakfast
In the last 4 decades, there was a tendency to stop having breakfast in many countries. However, if your goal is to lose weight, include a full breakfast daily with protein foods, fruits, and vegetables, thus ensuring a contribution of nutrients and energy that will allow you to perform your daily activities.
4. Carefully select snack or snacks
An important key is the portion and selection of the "snacks". Only have foods that are low in calories and fat available at home. That will avoid falling into the temptation to consume an "energy pump" that affects your weight loss goals. The recommended between each meal is 3 hours. At night it is suggested to dine two hours before going to bed and avoid the night snack.
5. Focus on eating, when you eat
When you "eat only eat", avoid eating while working on the computer, watching television or doing some other activity. Enjoy the flavors, smells, and textures. Eat slowly, savoring each bite. This will help you to be aware of what you consume and avoid exceeding you. Make a ritual of setting the table nice to be a motivating experience and sit in a place that allows you to be calm.
6. Stay active
In addition to controlling what you eat and drink, keeping active encourages you to expend energy and achieve a negative energy balance that allows you to lose weight. In other words, you need to consume fewer calories than you spend on physical activity. In addition to a sport and exercise, every daily physical activity helps you. Move, dance, walk, mow the lawn, and wash the car.
7. Variety in your diet plan
To be pleasant, it is necessary to vary your diet. Choose different recipes that encourage you to cook and motivate you to continue with your meal plan.
8. Drink natural water
Hydrating is important. The amount of recommended daily water depends on several factors, such as climate, physical activity, among others. On average it takes 8 glasses of water daily. Try to have a glass of cold water 15 minutes before each meal. It helps you to give satiety and avoid exceeding your food meals. During the meal, it is advisable not to drink liquids for better digestion.
9. Record your progress
Daily weighing on a calibrated scale. It is important that it be in the morning, without clothes. There are variations of daily weight so it is better to keep track of the weight on a weekly basis. In women in the period of menstruation also there is retention of liquids and therefore variations in the weight. In addition to the weight, record your waist measurement weekly.
10. Advise yourself
If you have the opportunity, make a consultation with a nutritionist. There are sites, such as My Diet, that offer you the opportunity to ask all the questions you want to a certified nutritionist. This will help you check your diet and habits to reach the goal and not gain weight again.
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