FINALS WEEK. The two most dreaded words of the semester. Filled with cramming for exams you know you aren't going to pass and sending persuasive emails to professors in hopes they will take pity and give you the two extra points. It is the week that seems to have no end, no hope for future days filled with worry-free bliss. But, have no fear, because here are ten tips to help you survive finals week this semester.
1. Don't procrastinate all semester.
Well, if you are reading this it's probably already too late for you, so you should just pray for a curve. Use the little time you have left wisely and CRAM!
2. Get plenty of sleep.
We both know that isn’t going to happen. Aim for at least three hours every night. Sleep is very important for your memory.
3. Find a good study space.
Try to find a seat that is comfortable, but not too comfortable where you will be tempted to fall asleep for a minute or two. A table that has plenty of work space and nothing around to distract you. Someplace quiet, without many people around. So basically you need to be in a prison cell.
4. Get plenty of fluids.
We all know that the only way to survive finals is a million cups of coffee. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water or you will just be jittery.
5. Get a good study group for each of your classes.
In other words, find the smartest kids in the class and convince them to study with you. Then once you get them in a room, pick their brains for every bit of information you missed while looking at Pinterest in class.
6. Don't forget to eat.
Remember, coffee does not count as a food group. So, make sure you eat the stale bagel from the coffee shop, or a bag of chips out of the vending machine. Nutrition is key.
7. Turn your phone off.
If your phone is on then you will feel the extreme gravitational pull of social media and useless garbage to fill your brain with rather than the importance of information of the crappy class you are studying for. Try turning it off and reward yourself every thirty minutes by scrolling through Facebook on your laptop. It is called compromise.
8. Put clean clothes on.
Wearing the same clothes for three days in a row is unacceptable. BUT, wearing the same clothes for two days in a row, now that makes perfect sense. On the dreaded third day, throw on another XL t-shirt and be on your way. You must always dress for success.
9. Say no to Netflix.
Finals are a time for serious adulting. And adults don't binge watch Netflix the night before a final that is worth 25% of their grade. Therefore, allow yourself a mere one-episode limit if you MUST watch (and we know you will because you are hooked and have no self-control, but at least be reasonable).
10. ALWAYS keep in mind that the end is so close you can taste it.
All you have to do is get through a few little tests and then you are free to spend your days NOT STUDYING, and won't have to worry about finals until next semester.
Happy finals everyone, and may the curve be ever in your favor.