I don't know about anybody else, but I'm definitely approaching this semester differently than I have any other.
Typically I have loads of free time outside of class and write my assignments down as I hear about them in class, but with the majority of my classes this semester not even having an actual class time, I've had to come up with different ways to get organized & stay sane! Here are some of the things I'm living for right now.
1. A digital calendar!
Staying in my apartment and having so many meetings taking place in my own home, I definitely almost missed a bunch of my meetings the first week or so after this semester started! Now I've been pretty good at going into the calendar my macbook has and blocking out my classes, club meetings, and work times!
2. Sticky notes!
I've always been a big physical sticky notes kinda girl when I need to remember something (or physically writing things down in my super cute planner when it comes to school,) so now that I'm not doing a whole lot of writing, I have a sticky note on my laptop's desktop that keeps a running list of what I have due!
This is so important, especially right now. Because there are no longer separate spheres for work and home life, it can be hard to separate the two. Please make an effort to find your zen in-between assignments and meals!
4. Laptop Stickers!
Or some kind of alternative way to personalize your surroundings! It'll make you excited to get back to your work and admire your taste in stickers.
5. Taking handwritten notes!
Every professor tells you this every class for every semester for a reason: it helps you learn & retain your information better than typing! I've been doing that all semester so far and I feel like I've been able to keep up & be on top of all my work!
6. Stick to a routine!
As tempting as it may be, try waking up early and going to bed early! Work in some time to be active, to relax & recharge, and not focus on your work! Charting out your time like this will help with motivation, and if you have extra time you can always get ahead or have a chance to do something spontaneous!
7. Keep a clean workspace!
TRY NOT TO WORK IN BED! But if you are, have it made & have your stuff laid out neatly! Same thing with your desk. There's just something about organization that makes you want to stay focused & on-task.
8. Try not to dwell on what you don't have!
I've been hearing a lot of "if we weren't virtual" talk, and that just makes us all want to curl in bed and be sad. We've been living this new life for quite a while now, so it's about time we truly adjust and start making the most of the uniqueness & advantages of this time, ya know? One day we're gonna wish we could work in our pajamas again.
9. Ask for help!
The same resources are available to you in a virtual format! Contact your advisor, go get that tutoring before you fall behind, and take advantage of office hours! Right now it's easy to slip into a slump and not wanting to reach out, but you must take it upon yourself to not slack off! If it's out there, do it!
10. Keep your head up!
How many years of school have you been through now? This may be a huge setback, but be confident in yourself! Be patient, and don't put on so much pressure. This is only temporary, but you're going to crush it!
Keep your head down and keep working! It'll be the holiday season before we know it, and we'll be able to have a much-deserved break! This is a tough time for everyone, but power through. Life won't be like this forever.