In my time in college, I've noticed that one of the most commonly used terms that strikes fear into the hearts of students alike is "writing intensive". I've watched as people scramble to Rate My Professors to see which instructor they can get away with barely writing anything for, and pulling all nighters at the library shaking with dread and anxiety over looming essay deadlines. As an English Major, nearly all of my classes are writing intensive, therefore I've had to face my fear head on of these classes that are deemed by many as impossible. Through these classes I've taken, I've acquired a list of tips that will make your writing intensives more smooth-sailing and hopefully less terrifying...
10. Keep Your Writer's Hand in Check
My creative writing outlet has been for online blogs and forums, but that's not necessarily for everyone. That being said, write as much and in any way that you can- even if its just a summary of your grocery list. Practice makes perfect, and although that sounds trivial, it goes a long way.
9. Proofread...
Sounds obvious right? But this is the most common mistake I've seen people make. Especially if you're an easily distracted writer. Just take the extra few minutes to make sure it looks right. Could spare you a few points taken off.
8. Read Out Loud
Do it yourself, have someone else do it. Whatever. Essays should sound fluid like a conversation and sound natural, so if it sounds odd out loud, it will sound weirder on paper.
7. Have a Game Plan
Mine is using the basic 5 paragraph essay format as a starting point. Don't go into a major essay blindsided. Whether its outlining on note cards or whatever you need to do, always have some semblance of a plan.
6. Draw Parallels
The most important thing is that you learn something in the class. The professor doesn't want to hear how well you can rehash information, anyone can do that. What they want to see is drawing parallels to why the material matters in real life and how you perceive what you're learning. Don't be afraid to get personal with it.
5. Know Your Audience
I wish I could say all professors are bipartisan, but in my experience that's just not the case. Don't ever abandon your writing/learning style, but also keep in mind who's doling out the grades.
4. Start a Study Group...
In the words of High School Musical, you're all in this together, and let's be real teamwork makes the dream work...
3. Do the Readings...
Like...honestly just do them. It's not easy or fun but it most definitely is helpful.
2. Use Sparknotes sparingly
Professors aren't stupid. And if you can find plagiarized ideas that easily on Google, so can they.
1. Give it 110%
If writing intensives are a challenge for you, don't half-ass it. You'll only get as much out of it as you put into it, and with how much college is these days, I think we can all agree that you want to be getting something out of it.