Happy New Year, everybody! New Year’s Eve and Day are great. They're a chance to reflect on all the good things that happened this past year and look forward to the next. They're a time for saying: “This year is going to be even better. This year, I’m going to be better.” In this spirit, New Year’s resolutions are very popular, but often they end up lasting less than a month. We’ve all made them, but most of us can’t see them through. If you really want to change this year and make your resolutions stick, here are 10 tips on how!
1. Set a reachable goal.
If you want to really change your lifestyle, you have to set reasonable expectations for yourself. Otherwise you will get discouraged and it will never stick. If you want to eat healthier, don’t go on a fad diet. If you want to get fit, don’t go from never exercising to exercising every day. It won’t work.
2. Don’t be vague.
While “eating healthier," "working out more” and “not procrastinating” are nice thoughts, if you don’t set specific goals for yourself, they won’t happen. Make small goals and rules for yourself under the big vague resolution.
3. Write it down.
Seriously, write it down, and somewhere you will see it every day. It will help you get into the right mindset!
4. Tell your friends.
Your friends can help you! They may even join you. But in the least they can help hold you accountable and be the external voice that says "no" when the voice in your head says "yes please."
5. Start right away.
Don’t say “I’ll start when I get back to school." You’ll forget and it won’t materialize. Try to start immediately, and if not then as soon as possible.
6. Get excited about it!
Your resolution should be something you want to do so that you can become a better person or live a better lifestyle. So motivate yourself. Get excited! This is for you and all about you, and that’s kind of awesome.
7. Reward yourself.
If you’re doing well in your resolution, find some fun way to reward yourself! Give yourself something to look forward to as a reward for doing so well.
8. Know it will get easier.
Some believe it takes as little as 21 days to make (or break) a habit. As you go, your resolution will become more and more natural.
9. Don't give up.
If you forget or fail your resolution one day, don’t throw in the towel and say that’s that. Forgive yourself, give yourself another chance, and say “tomorrow will be better,” because really that is what New Year’s resolutions are all about.
10. Be proud of yourself.
Be proud of yourself for setting and following through on your resolution. That’s the first step. Take pride in the fact that you are putting effort into improving yourself. Go you. You’re awesome.