For steps 1 - 5, read part one here.
6. Always take advantage of the resources on campus. Technically you're paying for it anyways so why not? Whether it’s the gym, the library, the transportation services, or even those SGA seminars that give away free food, all of these things are coming out of your student fees so I totally recommend using them.
7. You may think that just because for the past 14 years or so you have woken up for school at 8 AM that you can do the same in college, well you’re wrong. It doesn’t matter what time you go to bed and how much sleep you actually get, you will always be tired at eight in the morning. My solution is to just not sign up for morning classes. You’ll thank me later for that one.
8. Always try to make connections with other students that you are in class with. Most of the time you won’t have a class with your BFF so you’ll just sit there awkwardly like everyone else. I encourage you to reach out to the girl sitting in front of you or the guy sitting next to you because I promise when you need help on an assignment, they’ll absolutely be there to help and the same goes for them. Stop thinking you are “too cool” to talk to the weird guy/girl. Most of the time they are the smartest and friendliest.
9. One thing that I didn’t do my first semester but absolutely made sure I did it the next go around, was to schedule my classes in blocks. I either made sure that my classes that day would be back to back or that there was only an hour break in between. If you have multiple classes a day, you really want to maximize your time on campus. Once you finish a class and go back home, you are not going to want to drive all the way back just for once class.
10. Lastly, never forget while you are there. People go to college to further their education and strive to have an excellent career one day. Never lose sight of that. There will be those people who are only there to have a social life and you do not want to be mixed into that crowd. Never lose sight of your goals. Never stop working towards your dream job or dream school. In times of hardship and in times of pure bliss, remember to keep moving forward and become the person you set out to be when you first came to college.
With great freedom comes great responsibility. While you are in college to expand your knowledge and earn a degree, it’s okay to relax and have a little fun while you’re at it. Take care of your body and your mind, you’ll need those things later. Always strive for good grades and never lose sight of why you came in the first place. Be determined to make it through your freshman year. Take advantage of your network of new friends and professors and always try to get the most out of your college experience.