This past weekend I went to Bolzano and Rome in Italy and I had some pretty interesting observations along with my mother. I have lived overseas basically my entire life, so traveling has been a big part of my life (at one point my mother coined the name "Taylor Tours" for my family). Another part of my life has been about learning how to blend in with the cultures around me and not looking like a typical American. Living overseas for so long I have learned how to pick an American out of a crowd of Europeans, and I've always had the desire to try and blend in and be part of the crowd and not stick out because of my culture. I have been on so many tours and had so many different experiences in different places, I've hiked on the Mendenhall glacier, been chased down by a woman for money in Florence, and many more experiences that I love to share about, but after every trip there are always observations of other tourists that my family shares with one another. Here are some tips on tourism that I have learned over the years:
1. Don't Dress to Stand Out
Pictured above is a photo of my friends and I from Tacky Tourist day at my high school, but it is not far off from what I've seen over the years. Dressing like this may be comfortable, but it can make you even more of a target for street vendors and shady deals. The way you dress does make a difference. Ditch the fannypacks and wear the sandals without the socks.
2. Speaking Louder Will Not Make People Understand You
I don't understand why some people think this really works, but it doesn't. Speaking louder and talking down to them only makes things worse. I would advise to learn enough of the language to get by because not everyone speaks English.
3. Street Vendors Are Not Your Friend
Ok, to clarify: food vendors are your friend. However, try and steer clear of the one's selling knock off products and trying to get your attention. I have found not making eye contact helps. If one is chasing you down for money or not letting you go unless you buy a product, head for the nearest crowd or shop you can get into.
4. Figure Out Where You Are Going Before Crossing a Street
In Rome this past weekend, there were a lot of instances when a tourist would pull out a map right before crossing the street and block people from crossing. It is best to know where you are going before crossing the street, so stand back if you are trying to find out which direction to go in.
5. Tours Aren't Always Needed
6. Hire A Taxi or Driver
This is a great way to see the sights, especially if you're on a cruise because those excursions can get pretty pricy. In my experience a hired taxi or driver can take you to scenic spots and all the sights you need to see on your own time and for a great price.
7. Don't Forget to Explore at Night
The night is a magical time in cities and are often not as crowded as during the day. Don't tire yourself out during the day, try and go exploring at night too when sights are lit up and even more gorgeous!
8. Stay in the Heart of the City
Many people think to stay in the cheaper hotels in the outskirts of a major city to save money, but the money you're spending to get into the city may come to be just as much as that hotel in the better location. Staying in the heart of the city can be pricey but ultimately worthwhile. You won't have to stay out all day, you can go to the hotel when you want, take a nap if you need to, and then venture out at night!
9. You May Have to Pay for the Location at a Restaurant
Most travel books say to stay away from touristy locations to eat because the quality may not be as good, but if the view is great I say go for it! The food may be pricey but you're paying for the view more than the food. Sit, relax, and enjoy the view!
10. Explore Other Locations As Well
Major cities are great, but you may fall in love with a place that is not so known as well. Adventure out and find amazing places you'll want to keep going back to!
Have fun on your future travels!