"If you review the material each week, you won't have to cram during finals week." Every semester we receive this suggestion from our professors and we promise ourselves we will heed their advice. And then we don't. Between homework, readings (that we probably only get halfway through) and everything else happening in our lives, the thought of weekly review is laughable.
So, since we're all cramming sixteen weeks worth of information into our heads in a matter of a few days, here are some tips for acing your exams.
1. Whatever you do, do not, under any circumstances, start a new show on Netflix.
It can wait. You have all of winter break to binge-watch Friends or Narcos.
2. Gather everything you need and organize your study space.
Make a list of everything you could possibly need for that study session and assemble a finals week survival bag. There's nothing worse than getting to the library and realizing you forgot a highlighter or your flashcards for your exam the next day.
3. Decorate your home with positive quotes to keep your motivation high throughout the week.
Nothing like the power of positivity.
4. Get your support group ready for the week.
Even if you don't like studying in groups, gather a group chat to keep your spirits up (or commiserate with) throughout the week.
5. Block websites that will distract you.
Use StayFocusd from Google Chrome to temporarily block websites like Facebook and Netflix. If you don't have the option, you can't waste time (at least on the blocked sites).
6. Make lists, lots and lots of lists.
Don't just say "study for bio on Tuesday", split up the work into sections so that you accomplish a little bit each hour. Being able to cross something off your to-do list will motivate you and keep you from being overwhelmed by the amount of information in one class. Add easy things to your to-do list and build in time to your schedule for relaxation.
7. Don't burn yourself out at the beginning of the week.
Pulling an all-nighter on Sunday sets you up for a bad week. Even if your exam schedule is front-loaded, don't kill yourself studying on Monday and Tuesday and leave yourself with nothing left for your Friday exam.
8. Don't neglect your body's needs for an entire week.
During finals, self-care pretty much goes flying out the window. Drinking plenty of water and eating something other than pizza delivery can make a huge difference in your mental state. Not only will you have more energy, but you'll also be in a better mindset if your body isn't worn down. Maybe even go to the rec to burn off steam.
9. Build in relaxation time right before your exam.
Don't try to cram information in your head the hour before your exam. Review your notes one time and then give yourself an opportunity to get in a good mindset before you take your exam. Listen to music, get a snack or call your mom to relax before you go into your final.