November is finally upon is and that means only one thing–food. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for family and friends, but let's be honest, we really look forward to all the food, too. But for college students, Thanksgiving dinner can be a little more difficult. We will be questioned about our life goals and who will marry. We will also be treated like children at the same time. So if you're a college student, here's a few things you'll need to do to survive and make Thanksgiving successful.
1. Get invited to as many dinners as possible.
Thanksgiving is a time for family...and free food. This goes out to all my fellow college students–you'll be eating free leftovers for weeks. So go to your second cousin twice removed best friend's dinner. The more food, the merrier.
2. Don't think twice about wearing sweatpants.
Honestly, it's your family, so you don't have to dress to impress. Sweatpants are a necessity at Thanksgiving–wear them with pride.
3. Locate the turkey as soon as you get to a dinner.
Don't say hi to your cousin. Don't talk about how college is slowly killing you. Locate the turkey and make sure you're the first to get the leg.
4. Remember to disregard the comments from your family members about your relationship status or getting a job.
Yes, I have been single for the past three Thanksgiving dinners. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. I'll get a job eventually. Thanks for your concern.
5. Make sure everyone is bringing food to the dinner so you don't have to.
Don't bring drinks. Y'all need to bring casseroles. If needed, I can bring napkins. I can afford that (I think).
6. Pretend to pay attention to those random adult conversations to prove your college education is paying off.
I actually voted this year. I am an adult and know exactly what you're talking about.
7. Avoid sitting at the kids' table.
I'm not old enough to have my life together, but I am old enough to sit with the grown ups this year.
8. Hide your favorite dessert.
Grandma's banana pudding is MINE. I will protect it at all costs.
9. Put your phone away at the table so you won't be considered a "millennial" that constantly stays on their phone.
Even though I will be missing everyone's cute, Thanksgiving pictures, no one can call me a millennial who doesn't appreciate family time.
10. Do not share your food. Do not.
You are a broke, college student. If you want the last piece of pie, take it. If someone asks for a bite of your mashed potatoes, walk away. This is your time to eat and everyone else will understand.
If you follow these ten tips, you will survive Thanksgiving dinner. You needed this break from school. Forget finals week coming up–focus on the food and actually have fun seeing your family. Happy Turkey Day!