I am entering my final year as a college student. So, I know everything. I'm just a human sized capsule of knowledge. Just kidding, I really don't know anything. I did survive college, though. I mean, so far I am still alive and a somewhat functioning adult. Okay, maybe not the adult part. Let's not rush things. Anyway, from my highly professional opinion, this is how you survive college.
1. Get to know staff and faculty.
Especially on small campuses, this should be pretty easy. It takes some initiative, but it pays off in the long run. Whether it is job opportunities in the future or when you're crying like Kim Kardashian in the financial aid office, knowing people on a first name basis will be a huge bonus.
2. Sleep.
You will likely be going a million different directions and feel like there is no time for sleep, but you cannot survive on 3 all-nighters a week for two semesters. If you do, you're apart of the Illuminati. That does not count.
4. Drink more water.
This is my mother's solution to every ailment, and I think she is onto something. Whether you feel a cold coming on (you're going to get sick 34 times freshman year) or you've had a night out of drinking, drink water before you go to bed, people.
5. Be nice and give everyone a chance, but don't expect people to do the same for you.
Some people are asshats. That's not your fault or problem, because I'm sure you are a perfectly lovely human. Don't be a jerk.
6. Save your Snapchat videos and pictures from the nights that you go out.
You can laugh about how much of an idiot you are the next day.
7. Keep in contact with friends from home, especially if you are going to the same school.
Friends from home have known you for longer than anyone else, and during those hard times they are more likely to stand by your side than people you just met.
8. You don't have to be friends with everyone.
Yes, go out. Meet new people. However, if someone is a miserable human don't spend time with them. I've seen way too many people force friendships with people they don't even like. Why? Dumb.
9. Actually try in school.
School is expensive. Go to class...most days. Do your homework. Prioritize.
10. Don't be a dirty little hamster.
Take that how you wish.