The weeks following Thanksgiving have an uncanny power for turning most students into the Grinch as they deal with the endless papers and finals that arrive right before Winter Break. It’s very understandable though, because the Grinch is #Relatable in all senses of the word.
Here are 10 times the Grinch was way too relatable—even if you don’t want to admit it:
1. When you’re trying to lay out your schedule for the next two weeks, and start to wallow in self-pity over all of the work that you still have to do.
2. When you’re dealing with a million-and-one things and your emotions start to run high.
3. What's the best way to procrastinate work? Food.
4. When you live under a pile of books in the library and your only social interaction is crawling out to go grab a coffee…aka life blood.
5. When you start taking out your stress on your teachers who assigned all of this work in the first place.
6. When you try to cheer yourself up with Christmas music to get through the week.
7. When it doesn’t work.
8. When you get to your last exam and realize you really should have studied more.
9. When you decide that the curve will probably help. Well,
10. When all your friends still have another exam or paper,
but you’re leaving for break!!