The last few weeks are always the hardest part of the school year, with all the projects, papers and late assignments due, it's enough to make anyone go crazy. And don't even get me started on finals! But when it's all said and done, school's done! Here are ten times that Spongebob accurately captured the hell that is finals week.
1. Waking up for your 8 a.m. final
Waking up for class in general is difficult, and most days you don't want to do it. But waking up for an 8 am final when you only on went to bed three hours ago is even more of a challenge. Sometimes the only thing motivating you is the promise of sleep when you return.
2. Stu(dent)dying
Studying is one of the hardest aspects of finals week. Having to cram a semester's worth of material, for multiple classes, is the ultimate test of endurance, and is liable to make anyone's brain snap. Even with multiple study breaks, studying is difficult, but so worth it.
3. Writing papers
If you're lucky, your final is a take-home paper. If you're not lucky, you have a paper due before you take your final exam. Regardless, writing papers isn't fun. And a majority of the time spent writing it, isn't you actually writing but staring at your computer screen blankly. Whatever your writing process is, we can all agree that we contemplate giving up more than we spend writing the paper.
4. Netflix
Netflix is a college student's worst and best friend. While Netflix is great for quick study break, here is nothing like the temptation to re-watch a show for the third time instead of writing that paper, studying or doing that project. And more often than not, you give into that temptation.
5. Trying to meet last minute deadlines
After procrastinating until the very last minute, (Thanks Netflix) you find yourself in the precarious position of having to do multiple assignments at the same time to meet all your deadlines. And you find yourself regretting all the Netflix you watched and promising not to do it again, which you ultimately won't keep.
6. Contemplating your life choices
Part of the finals week process is sitting down and calculating your grade if you don't go to your final or if you don't turn in that paper. And coming to the conclusion that it's probably in your best interest if you do.
7. Finally finishing that paper
It's three am. You've been working on this paper for eight hours. It's finally done. There is nothing to describe that feeling of absolute and total bliss. And to celebrate, you take a quick nap before your final in a couple of hours.
8. Walking into your finals like
Nothing like a final to make someone actually come to class. I don't know how many times I've walked into a finally thinking "oh my, you're in this class too."
9. Taking your finals
The time has come:time to take your final. You've been studying for this. You're prepared. You got this or so you think until you finally get the exam and realize you forgot everything you went over. There's nothing quite like the sheer panic that comes over you. In these situations, the best you can hope for is that it all comes back as you're working on it.
10. Freedom
Last but not least, the most important part of finals week: IT BEING OVER. Taking that last exam or turning in that last paper and knowing that you're done makes you want to cry and scream and laugh at the same time. But mostly, you feel relief knowing you have time before you have to do this all over again.
College can be a stressful time, but as long as you take breaks when needed, you'll be fine!