If you've watched, and fell in love, with One Tree Hill as much a I have then you know just exactly how much all of the characters went through. No matter what was going on someone always had something to say that was heartwarming, clever and something that everyone could relate to. These quotes are not only useful to the characters but can also be very applicable to our own lives and the many happenings that go on.
Here are ten things that One Tree Hill knew exactly what to say:
1.Life is known for throwing many things at us all at the same time. Sometimes people have trouble managing these things because they forget how strong they really are.

2. One of life's greats accomplishments is when we figure out how to be happy on our own without letting what anyone does or say affect that.

3.Sometimes we don't say what we want to say when we want to say it, and before we know it, it is too late and all we are left with is regret. Take the chance and don't be afraid to do the things you want to do or show the way you are feeling.

4. Don't worry about how things will end up, life seems to have a funny way of working itself out in the end.

5. We all have bad days, sometimes it helps us to remember that we are not the only ones who have it tough, there are people out there who have it much worse. Along with the bad there are also many good things to focus on.

6. We often take for granted the things that we have in front of us because we want more, or bigger and better things. You don't know what you have until it is gone and you never know what will happen next.

7. As people we like to dwell on what other people think and say to us, but none of that is important. All that matters is what you think of yourself, and that you are happy and comfortable in your own skin.

8. Sometimes we lose our way, sometimes we face things we aren't ready to, sometimes we just don't know what to do and that is okay. It is hard to truly find yourself without some bumps along the way, but what really defines us is our ability to rebound and make our way back in ways that completely represent ourselves and who we think we are.

9. It is inevitable, we all must face some sort of loss sometime in our lives. It is hard but when you think of it the way Nathan describes to Jamie, it makes it a little bit more bearable. It reminds us to think of the good and not get too caught-up on the pain of missing someone.

10. The quote says it all. Time really does fly by, and we forget to cherish the little things. Days feel like they were seconds ago and years feel like they happened only yesterday. Don't let yourself be absorbed in the rush of life, enjoy it as much as you can and don't let go of all the things that make you happy.

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