1. The first day of class.
You're super pumped for a new school year, a new start. Maybe you aren't going to procrastinate anymore (yeah, right) or maybe you're just excited to learn, but we all know that "beginning of the school year" happiness.
2. When you see your friends after being away from them all summer.
Come on, it's been three months. You've missed living close to them and always being able to run in there room for impromptu pizza nights watching The Office (or any other show that will never compare to the glory of Michael Scott).
3. The first real lecture.
I have no idea what is going on here. Is this even English? Am I in the right class? Why is this so hard?
4. The first real test.
Because the first test is never, ever what you were prepared for.
5. What even is studying?
Why study when you can party? Or nap. Or eat. Or basically anything else.
6. Forcing yourself into "fun" social situations (like parties).
Parties are supposed to be fun; I'm supposed to enjoy meeting new people. But me... every time I speak to a new person, my mouth won't say the words I want, and oh goodness, why am I so awkward? "Oh, yes! Of course I'm having fun!" *dies internally from awkward social interaction*
7. When you try to talk in class.
We've all been there. You think you have a great answer to whatever obscure question your teacher just threw at you, and somehow, through the course of saying it out loud, it somehow sounds dumb. Or doesn't make one bit of sense.
8. Having no real sleep schedule.
You have a study group at 11pm. No big deal, you can still get in bed by midnight and get plenty of sleep before your 8am class. PSYCH. You still have a paper to write, a test to study for, and an intramural game before you can sleep. Your head hits the pillow right as your alarm goes off for class.
9. Dorm fire drills in the middle of the night.
Of course they don't warn you. At least Michael wasn't in the shower for Dunder Mifflin's fire drill...
10. Contemplating dropping out at least once a day.
Everything gets so crazy that you just want to leave and give up. But you also don't want to be a disappointment, so you stay. (Also because the school has already taken so much of your money, it'd be a waste to give up.) You stick it out, and eventually you'll hit graduation. Then you'll feel like this:
Good luck this semester, everyone! If you get overwhelmed, just close the computer, open it back up because you realize that Netflix requires it, and turn on The Office.