I recently binge watched the five seasons of "Friday Night Lights" and developed a giant crush for the heartthrob, Matt Saracen. He showed us that men can be vulnerable and strong at the same time, and that being caring and kind is not a sign of weakness. Matt Saracen may be just a TV show character, but he set the bar pretty high for the men in my life.
1. When he was just an average, incredibly socially awkward boy with a crush
It took every ounce of his courage to finally speak to Julie Taylor.
2. His love and care for his grandmother
Nothing warmed your heart more, than seeing Matt helping out Mrs. Saracen
3. That time Landry pointed out that Matt's relationship with his grandma would earn him points with the girls... and Matt's response showed his respect towards woman
Landry, get your head out of the gutter
4. When he stepped up to the plate as QB1 for the Dillon Panthers
and he managed to look like an adorable deer in headlights for about 2 full seasons
5. When he wasn't ashamed to show just how much of a dork he truly was
6. When he had his breakdown in front of Coach Taylor
and it was the most heartbreaking moment of vulnerability.
7. Every time that he and Julie were the perfect couple
Number seven on the field, number one in her heart (and ours)
8. When his father passed away
And yet again, vulnerable Matt Saracen somehow made you swoon, even while ugly crying.
9. The time the show ended PERFECTLY
And I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen, but we couldn't have asked for a better ending.
10. Every time he smiled
How could you not fall for that crooked smile.