10 Times Jack Sparrow Was Every College Student | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Jack Sparrow Was Every College Student

Who knew Jack Sparrow would be really good at college? He has all the important stuff down.

10 Times Jack Sparrow Was Every College Student

We all know and love the awesome pirate, Jack Sparrow... wait, wait, wait, forgot the "Captain" -- it's Captain Jack Sparrow. Whether he is saving his ship the Black Pearl or escaping death, his goofy antics and cool head has made us all laugh. Jack Sparrow has proven himself time and time again; that quick wit has saved him, his crew and his ship a number of times (not necessarily in that order either). Did you know Jack was similar to a college student? Here are ten times he proved it.

1. Sailing through the semester

The scene, the first time we see Captain Jack Sparrow he is coming into port on a glorified dinghy that is taking on water fast; Sparrow strolls up as if he owns the place. Just as college students start the semester out well and slowly sink as the semester wears on, as long as we make it out with a passing grade we keep on going as if nothing even happened. Whether your minimum grade is a 93.8% to keep your scholarship or you don't care and just have to pass with that 50% we college students know that struggle of staying afloat.

2. "Stop blowing holes in my ship!"

"Captain" Jack Sparrow is in the brig of "his" ship the Black Pearl as his crew aboard The HMS Interceptor starts firing cannons at the Pearl. From the brig Jack shouts: "Stop blowing holes in my ship!" Now we all have that one friend who wants to do something fun and exciting buuut you want to take a day and focus on that paper that is due in less than 24-hours and counting. All we can do is say no, or if we are feeling theatrical/hysterical we could shout "Stop blowing holes in my ship!"

3. Finding our "heading"

Here Jack couldn't decide what he wants; his magic compass wouldn't work, so he had to convince other people of what they wanted, which is also what he wanted to get his heading. Sparrow exclaims "We have our heading!" We've all been there. There is that one assignment that makes absolutely no sense, and the professor is either just as clueless or he just makes it worse. Finally, some savvy student figures it out and lets everyone know just where to go to figure it out.

4. "I've got a jar of dirt"

If you don't know this scene then you are an uncultured swine -- go watch it now. As college students, we live a very repetitive life for four years, whatever life-style that may be. So often we find ourselves very excited about stupid stuff, like a jar dirt. After a few days we ask ourselves "Where is the thump-thump?" We must find our heart somewhere else. But dang, wish I loved something as much as Jack loves that jar of dirt.

5. What finals be like

Jack has just gotten his hat back only to have to face down the kraken, inevitably eaten and taken to the locker. His kinda last words, "Hello Beastie." As each semester winds down and the infamous "finals week" comes, there is that one essay or exam that we simply haven't studied for and approach it with the same bravado Captain Jack Sparrow does.

6. Come, dear friends

Here Sparrow is convincing the Brethren Court to go out and fight the British Armada, to which they are sorely outnumbered. To get the court's attention Jack starts off with Cuttlefish and everyone in the room gives him that weird sidelong glance that you are probably imitating right now. And so there you are getting ready to do a presentation in class and you want a "hook" that will get everyone's attention and that is what Jack does. Now go out there and go get 'em "dear friends."

7. Haha

Here Jack is baiting ole fish face to reveal the location of the key by claiming he has it. Davy Jones plays right into and shows Jack the key he is holding...in his beard...of tentacles. There has been more than one class where a student will throw out an answer for a question just to move things along and get the right answer from a teacher, I know I've done this a few times.

8. Fake it 'till you make it

Captain Jack Sparrow is back at it again, this time he is impersonating a judge to save Gibbs from the gallows. However Jack acts nothing like judge and the facade barely hides anything. Just like every college student. At one point or another we have bluffed or faked our way through some sticky school situation, whether it was that we didn't read or study or that we frankly couldn't give a crap.

9. Repeat the question

Once again Jack shows his quick wit, but this time it is not quite enough. Ever been in class and your just kinda dozing off, thinking about food or a nap or something? Then out of the blue the teacher asks you a question and you don't even register it at first and you just kinda mumble and ask the teacher to repeat the question? No...? Me neither.

10. *Spirit fingers

"And I can go like this!" Jack is talking with Gibbs about how to get the Black Pearl out of a bottle and lists off items and actions they will need to have and perform; one of the actions being finger wiggling. One day out the blue the professor says to get into groups for a project, everyone in your group starts saying what they can do to complete the project and you just sit there feeling like "And I can go like this," because everyone else claimed the responsibilities and tasks you would have gone for or you truly cannot do anything else.

For all you college students out there, remember Captain Jack Sparrow feels you.

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