There are endless articles on this specific topic, but I can guarantee that none of them are made by die-hard fans that know every single word.
There are so many scenes that are taken for granted, such as when the Grinch says "I'm going to throw up, and then I'm gonna die!"
That quote is perfect for when you're on your 5th bowl of ramen that week and you haven't gotten paid yet, or even when the Grinch says "Jury duty, jury duty, jury duty, blackmail, pink slip, chain letter, eviction notice, jury duty."
That's just a great quote right there!
1. Looking at all the courses you have to take for your degree
2. When the professor says "There is no study guide"
3. Invitations to go out with friends
4. Seeing a quiz grade destroy your grade in class
5. Going to classes after Thanksgiving break
6. Literally after any exam
7. When you realize that you actually did well on the exam
8. Spending all day at the library
9. When the professor that gave you a hard time says "It is now time for course evaluations"
10. Hearing the words: essay, research, or bibliography
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