Skins was a British TV show that aired from 2007-2013. It focused on different life issues like divorce, depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, and many other tough topics. I think it was an important TV show because it accurately displayed this issues instead of glamorizing them. Plus who doesn't love British humor and accents? Effy Stonem was one of the main characters on the show for some of the time and she just broke my heart. Her character was so complex and went through so much and it hurt to see her go through all of it. She seems to overcome her battles with depression by the end of the series and completely reinvents herself which I love. Here are ten times that Effy showed the true struggle of depression.
1. When she hallucinated that she could talk to her younger self.
2. When she confessed this in the woods.
3. When she felt like she wasn't connecting with anyone.
4. How truly numb she felt.
5. She would make excuses instead of telling the truth.
6. She would self-harm.
7. She would do drugs to numb the pain.
8. When she had her breakdown with Cook.
9. And then almost got hit by a car by standing in the middle of the road.
10. The episode when Effy finally gets help.
We need TV shows like this to accurately show tough subjects like mental illness. Skins does that without glamorizing them. It completely shows the ugliness of it, and it makes you look for the signs. I know I feel more educated now on depression and I know what signs to look for based on how Effy was acting. Luckily, Effy was able to find a way to push through her depression and find a success story out of it.