- When he (actually started) successfully completed a juice cleanse
Although many of us would like to believe that we're disciplined enough to go on a juice cleanse before every summer, Finals Week forces us to end up like this:
- When Doug had the cutest festival outfit
As much effort as we put into coordinating flowers and colours to create the perfect flower crown, we often end up having to buy a generic, mass-produced one from the festival vendors. It was rather difficult to have a crown as on-point as Doug's purple rose headband.
- When he rode in Kygo's jet
Summer vacation increases the chances of celebrity encounters ever so slightly: Sometimes, we end up at the same resort or tourist sights as vacationing stars. However, it is quite rare for us to fly with a famous DJ to Lollapalooza in their private jet.
- When Doug got the perfect booty pic
No matter how many squats or lunges we do, it's unlikely that anyone pull off the butt-pic as well as Doug did. He got the perfect ratio of background, and booty.
- When Doug actually got tan
Whilst many of us were tending to our sunburns, and trying to prevent our shoulders from peeling (ew), Doug was probably showing off his perfect tan.
- When Doug didn't get judged for being literally-so-basic whilst drinking a fruit mock/cocktail out of a Mason Jar
We all do it. Despite the fact that there's nothing better than refreshing, colourful, fruity beverages in large quantities in the midst of the summer heat, the Mason-Jar-Drink's popularity has resulted in it being classified as "basic".
- When he actually looked adorable buried in the sand
Whilst some of us do not really fancy the idea of having sand piled on top of us, a few do it for the gram. However, it is not an easy photo to take. As Doug demonstrates, you need to get an angle where the sunlight doesn't place a large shadow on your face, and when you're not sweating from the heat.
- When Doug enjoyed a lovely picnic
We love picnics.. but ideally, the hamper contains cuisine that took more preparation than a PB&J Sandwich stuffed into a Ziplock, which appears to be commonplace. What could also ruin the perfect picnic are the incessant mosquitoes and other insects that are more-than-eager to join.
- When he pulled off wet hair
Many people expect to emerge from the water looking like this:
However, the end result is more-often-than-not something like this: - When Doug pulled off the wide-brim hat better than all of us
Whether we're going to the horse races, the beach, or just feel like wearing a hat, it'd be hard to look cuter than Doug in one.
EntertainmentAug 18, 2015
10 Times Doug The Pug Did Summer Better
Even his Insta-game is stronger than most of ours..