Let's face it. This election year has been painful. We've seen some pretty crazy things, from Ted Cruz - the Zodiac Killer to Birdie Sanders - the bird whisperer. However, nothing can be crazier than the orange-haired, fear-inducing business man, Donald Trump. Trump's outrageous policy plans and scare tactics have been ridiculous since day one. Building a wall across the border and making Mexicans pay for it? Banning all Muslims from entering the country? Every rally has Trump spewing such absurd nonsense that it makes me wonder - where have I seen this before? And then it hit me: Donald Trump is basically a Parks and Recreation character come to life. Here's the breakdown of all the times Trump has done something so ridiculous that it has literally already happened in Parks and Rec.
1. When he demanded to see Obama's birth certificate
In season 4, episode 3, Joan Callamezzo accused Leslie Knope of not being born in Pawnee, prompting her to turn over her birth certificate. In 2011, Trump also accused Obama of not being born in America and demanded that he release his birth certificate.
2. When he accused Megyn Kelly of being on her period
When Leslie Knope responds angrily to Councilman Milton in season 5, episode 11, he pulls out his calendar, where he's tracking Leslie's cycle. He notes that she is not, in fact, on her period and thus has no reason to be so angry. This is the kind brazen sexism you would only expect to see exaggerated on a comedy like Parks and Rec. But after becoming infuriated at a debate when Megyn Kelly asked Trump a tough question, he said there was "blood coming out of her eyes, coming out of her - wherever."
3. When he somehow screwed up his entrance during a GOP debate
After Tom fails to produce enough red carpet to cover the whole path across the ice rink during a season 4, episode 11, campaign rally, the Knope 2012 team entrance proceeds quite comically. Similarly, during a GOP debate, Donald Trump missed his cue, not once, but twice, as he waited awkwardly at the side of the stage for his name to be called.
4. When he proudly stated how rich he was
During Leslie Knope's season 4 campaign, she runs against Bobby Newport, son of a rich business owner who is well known in the town. He never fails to remind people of how important his family wealth is. Donald Trump also loves to remind us about how much money he has.
5. When his wife stole FLOTUS's speech
During a Correspondent's lunch in season 5, episode 15, a journalist for the Pawnee Sun steals a copy of Leslie's speech and speaks in front of the crowd, garnering laughs that were supposed to go to Leslie who had written the jokes herself. Melania Trump recently gave a speech in which she was accused of plagiarizing one given by Michelle Obama in 2008.
6. When he fixated on a ridiculous comment about his finger length, among other things
After a focus group volunteer, in episode 13 of season 4, makes an offhand comment that he feels as if Leslie is not the type of person he might go bowling with, Leslie fixates on proving him wrong. She throws a big bowling party and challenges the man to a game in an attempt to win him over. Trump, apparently, has a similar fixation on a comment made about his short fingers. Even more laughably absurd than the Parks and Rec situation was when Trump's opponent, Marco Rubio, said "You know what they say about guys with small hands" prompting Trump's response, "I guarantee you, there's no problem." And thus the man trying to become the leader of our country turns the election cycle into a high school locker room competition.
7. When he said he would date his daughter
It's pretty much expected that Mona Lisa does bizarre things, like French kiss her cousin, as she claims to have done in season 5, episode 22. But it is not OK for a presidential candidate to say "if Ivanka weren't my daughter, I'd be dating her." That's just not the way you compliment your daughter, Mr. Trump.
8. When a former KKK leader proclaimed support for him
Leslie accidentally helps open an 'adult film' shop, and is thanked by adult film star Brandi Maxxx, despite her insistent disapproval of Maxxx's occupation. We typically don't like to see people who's ideas or actions are frowned upon for moral, or racist, reasons support influential people, unless it's during a Parks episode while we watch Leslie squirm her way through it. Trump has been questioned about the people who have come out in support for him, including former KKK leader, David Duke, and a white nationalist super PAC. They clearly see something unsavory about themselves reflected in Trump.
9. When he said 'I told you so' after the Orlando shooting
I love you, Leslie, but it was a little classless to try and politically capitalize on the death of Bobby Newport's father in episode 21 of season 4. While we wince at Leslie's out-of-character actions during this episode, we cringe when reading Donald Trump's tweet after the Orlando shooting. He said, "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism." 50 people died in the worst mass shooting in recent history and he has the audacity to seek a political advantage the very next day?
10. When he called all Mexicans rapists, quoted Mussolini, said global warming doesn't exist, insulted the Khan family, an obese man, a handicapped man, African Americans, John McCain, Obama, and women on multiple occasions, called 9/11 "7-Eleven", claimed he had a high IQ, or just opened his mouth in general
Seriously, though, he actually did or said all of the above. At this point, he's said things that were, to be honest, more ridiculous than anything Bobby Newport ever did.
Donald Trump has said and done many comical and disgraceful things that measure up very well to what we see when watching Parks and Rec. But perhaps the scariest similarity between Donald Trump and Parks politics is that people are actually rallying behind him.
One of the most frustrating things about watching Parks and Rec is when we see an amazing, dedicated leader fighting to make her town a better place, only to be pushed aside by a naive business man who has never worked for the people a day in his life. We can't understand how anyone could fall for Bobby Newport's childlike ignorance, so how can we let ourselves fall for Donald Trump's?