In the show “Parks and Recreation,” Andy Dwyer is hands-down one of the best characters. He either has you in awe over his sweet (but usually strange) gesture to April, or giggling from his latest stunt. In a way, we all have a little bit of Andy Dwyer in us, especially us college students.
1. When your professor starts lecturing the new material, and you get even more confused, but at this point, you’re an expert at confusion.
2. When you pulled an all-nighter for an exam that you ended up failing anyways and start to rethink your life.
3. When Ramen turns into breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
4. When your professor tries to embarrass you in front of the class and you come back with this.
5. When you are doing a group presentation and forget what you were supposed to say.
6. And then, when you are done, you might as well just tell your professor the truth.
7. When family members ask why you haven’t graduated yet.
8. When it's finals week and you haven't left the library in days.
9. When you're sitting in an interview and you have no accomplishments worth mentioning.
10. When you realize that it's all right if you don't have it all figured out yet.
If there’s one disorderly grown adult to help you get through life, it’s Andy Dwyer.