If you were anything like me in middle school, you were a major "Twi-Hard." Twilight was probably a substantial component of your life and identity. Whether you were Team Edward or Team Jacob, you still were totally jealous of Bella. The fact that she had two supernatural hotties fighting for her affection made us all high key salty because we couldn't even get boys to like our selfies that we edited with Picnik and uploaded to MySpace. While Bella did seem to have it all, she provided us all with hope in our love lives with her painful awkwardness. Here are a few times when Bella Swan was just like us.
1. That time she tried to punch Jacob in the face but totally failed.
2. When Edward was creepily staring at her and she checked to see if she smelled bad. We've all done it.
3. When she slipped down the stairs trying to intimidate Jacob and made us all feel better about those arguments that we planned in our heads but went wrong.
4. She also tried to intimidate Edward on that field trip and get him to tell her what he was and tripped again.
5. When she literally spent forever making Jacob help her fix those motorcycles and then couldn't even ride it, similarly to how we all try to impress boys by looking like we can do anything.
6. When she then, seconds after falling off the motorcycle, said what we were all thinking and told Jacob that he was "kind of beautiful." #relatable
7. When she could not play sports to save her life and made us all feel better about getting picked last for our gym class kickball team.
8. That time she was being killed by a vampire baby inside her but honestly just looked exactly like I do when I go to class every day.
9. When it legitimately took her 0.2 milliseconds to fall in love with some random guy.
10. Lastly, she was the queen of the resting b*tch face before it was even cool.
Bella, if you're reading this, please be my friend.