10 Times Advertising Went A Bit Too Far | The Odyssey Online
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10 Times Advertising Went A Bit Too Far

I think someone has a bit of a "lady problem".

10 Times Advertising Went A Bit Too Far

The sex appeal of women has always been an immediate seller in ads, which shouldn't be much of a shocker to you (but if it is, please crawl out of the rock you're under). But I'm curious, do these advertisers have a bit of a lady problem? I wonder if they're married. Here are 10 times advertisers took it a bit too far.

1. Burger King.

Americans love fast food, boys love girls, and apparently, girls love opening their mouths for the Super Seven Incher. This one will "blow your mind away." Pun intended, Burger King.

2. Lynx deodorant.

Its Thanksgiving and I'm making the turkey (right, because only girls cook) in my underwear of course. But you'll only get this type of treatment if you buy Lynx deodorant.

3. Kenwood.

Speaking of cooking, kitchen aids don't cook and men don't cook, but women do.

4. Tipalet cigarettes.

Blow smoke in my face and I can guarantee I won't follow you anywhere, but I will let the door hit you on the way out.

5. Van Heusen.

Considering women make up 51 percent of the population, I wouldn't consider it a "man's world."

6. Manigale.

Last time I checked, my motor bike didn't come with a model. I'm not sure the appeal would be the same, either, if we replaced those long legs with this dashing male model.

7. BMW.

Ah, a classy a car. "You know you're not the first," but you're definitely not going to be the last, first, middle, or anywhere in that line up. You can't treat a girl as a car. Doesn't drive the same way, nor do we run off of gas and money. Try affection.

8. Del Monte ketchup.

It's a ketchup bottle. Of course women can open it. Don't think you're so superior because you're a man and can open a lid to a bottle of ketchup.

9. Madison Avenue.

This may come as a shock, but my best friend is not a kitchen appliance.

10. Natan Jewelry.

I wonder if when they sell this, on their guarantee it says, "If she doesn't open her legs after proposing, you can refund after 30 days."

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