Okay fine, I'll admit it. I'm getting out of touch with what is cool and hip with the kids these days.
I look at these filthy-rich fifteen-year-olds that are richer and hotter than I'll ever be doing weirdly sexual, weird-looking dances with their other richer and hotter friends while not social distancing and making millions and I don't get it. What mother would let their not even legal children move into a mansion? I just don't get it!
From one person who doesn't get it to another, here are some TikTok accounts to follow that won't make you question what you've done with your life so far.
1. The Washington Post
We Are A Newspaper on TikTok
Who knew a newspaper could be so FUNNY? You'll get in a good daily dose of laughs by watching their older content from when they could still work in the office and their newer quarantine content! Plus, it's refreshing to see older folks on the app.
2. Piff Peterson
Piff Peterson on TikTok
I think Piff is HILARIOUS! While yeah he's kind of young, his style of tik toks will have you rolling. I especially love his One Direction"Imagines" and ones featuring his little brother Jake.
3. Brittany & Lily
If you're not quarantined with a little one, I've found your fix! Lily's Mom runs her account for her, posting the most ADORABLE videos of the little princess. A must-see is Lily trying lemon for the first time! So sour, so cute!
4. Talon Buzbee
Another young one, but what's not to like about him? His passion for Candace from Phineas and Ferb among other things is what makes him stand out to me, and it's hard not to stalk his videos when you see him on the For You page to catch up with his shenanigans.
5. Maya Consigz
Maya Consigz on TikTok
She's one of my favorite tik tok dancers! Her dancers are so electric, more so than the other famous dancers. If you're into the dance scene and used to be/still are obsessed with One Direction, she's your girl! She posts tutorials too, so you can dance along.
6. The Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Not gonna lie, I only follow them for the snail jokes but they are so worth it. Tim Pearce for president.
7. Drew Baker
The only young hot TikToker I like is Mr. Drew Baker. I like the way he can reuse his clothes to fit the looks/character he's going for. He's also pretty easy on the eyes, so that helps.
8. Feminist
Feminist on TikTok
If you follow the account on Instagram, you'd love the TikTok account too. They like to expose a lot of different feminism-related issues, such as this man's encounter with the pink tax.
9. Joey Nero
Joey's moved away from his Italian a little bit, but I liked them a lot. The ones where his nonna beat him up are the best. His new stuff can be pretty funny, too.
10. AudityDraws
Last but not least, this talented Tik Toker has one of the coolest accounts I've ever seen. Her witty comments and gorgeous cartoons are what really get you to keep scrolling. A must-watch series is her drawing the 50 states as people!
And there you have it! Instead of trying to understand, we can find what we like. There's something for everyone on TikTok. DIY's, workout videos, crafts, room transformations, if you spend enough time and drop a like on what you enjoy that comes up, TikTok will know exactly what to show you. Soon you'll be on it for hours just like the youngins.