The worst week of the semester is approaching fast. I didn't even realize that the week of finals was only two weeks away. I guess you could say I've been floating through the final weeks of this semester like a sleep deprived and stress over-loaded zombie. It's now time for me to cram for my four finals, three of which are at 8am and the last of the project and papers I have due for this semester. I rely on these 10 things to get me through the last weeks of the semester.
1. Long Showers
Nothing feels better than a long hot shower after a long stretch of studying. Long showers help me relax and also feel great.
3. Netflix
For all the times over the next two weeks, I feel like procrastinating, duh.
4. Sticky Notes
I usually make to-do lists of all the things I need to accomplish in one day. I say the day was a success if I was able to cross at least one thing off my list.
5. My favorite Snacks
Popcorn, sour gummy worms, Twizzlers, chips and salsa, chicken nuggets are just a few of my favorites. I need them for all the late nights I have ahead of me.
6. Headphones
Pop these babies in and start listening to my favorite songs. I'm sure to get a bunch of homework done.
7. Cuddles with my cats
For more procrastinating.
8. My alarm clock
To wake myself up for the three 8 am finals I have. Why does NDSU even schedule their finals at that early of an hour?!
9. The snooze button on my alarm clock
I will need those extra five minutes of sleep on the days of my 8 am finals.
10. Motivation
Whatever last drops I can squeeze out of myself before the winter break. They will be much needed over the next two weeks.