If you are one of the many students who drives to classes at MTSU, you know how real the struggle of parking can actually be. These 10 thoughts are what go through every student's head as we battle our way through the parking lots.
1. "Here we are on campus. Stay positive."
2. "This is a green pass parking lot! You have a red pass!”
3. “Oh my gosh, that person is walking to their car! I’ll follow them, and get their spot!”
4. “Another driver wants the spot! No!” *Intense staring at each other.*
5. *Other driver steals spot.* “Why? What could I have done to deserve this?”
6. “It’s OK. Take a breather, and keep looking.”
7. “Maybe another, far-away lot has something. I need the exercise.”
8. “Why would I believe it would be easy to get a spot? There are more concrete medians than there are parking spots here.”
9. “There it is! I finally see a spot!”
10. “I have to do this for three more years …”