Thanks, Mom, for giving birth to me in late July. You and Dad should have thought more about your timing, for my sake. Well, so I can't change my birthday, but I can use this as a platform to vent. Here are 10 thoughts you have when you are not yet 21, and all of your friends have reached the golden age.
1. "Those bars sure look fun."
This is the instinctual first thought that will cross your mind when you stumble across the 21ers. You'll be surfing social media and spot pictures of your friends out on the town, and a tiny bit of you deep down inside will cry because it is hard to control the FOMO.
2. "We get it, you're 21."
You'll start to get annoyed when this sort of thing becomes customary. "Yep, all of your Instagram followers and I get it after that third post. You turned 21. Woo."
3. "I look 21, right?"
When you're getting ready for the evening's activities, you'll spend a little extra time curling your hair, picking out your outfit and dabbing on a nice red lip color. You'll look in the mirror and contemplate whether it would be worth your time to follow your friends and pray the bouncer doesn't ID you.
4. "I hope they leave at midnight so I can go to bed."
Your bitterness will fade eventually, and you'll begin to look forward to the stroke of midnight when all of your friends go to the bars, and you have a valid excuse to go to bed at a decent hour.
5. "Now I can be productive tomorrow!"
This is actually so true. You'll probably be awake a whole two hours before your bar-going peers.
6. "Maybe someone will stay back with me?"
7. "The wait will be totally worth it."
Or maybe you'll realize that you should have just enjoyed turning in early for the night while it lasted.
8. "Well, this underage thing is saving me money."
Also very true. Bars in the city are ridiculously over-priced. You initially wondered how you could afford your semester text books while others who also worked two jobs were really scrambling. Now you know.
9. "Ha. When you're all 40, I'll still be 39, so..."
And right now that doesn't seem like a big deal, but just you wait.
10. "I can't wait to try my first adult beverage!"
You wonder what it might taste like.