10 Thoughts You Had Coming Back From Spring Break
All we can think about during the weeks leading up to spring break are our plans and the fun that we are going to have. Many college students go to warm places with friends, drink, and make memories that will last a life time. We put a lot of effort into our vacations, and the planning does not seem like it will stop until the actual trip begins. So, what happens when it is all over, and it is time to return to school? Here are 10 thoughts you probably had coming back from spring break.
#1 Did I have homework or was that a dream?
You were sure it was a dream, but Monday morning came, and you did not even have half of your work done. There goes 50 points right out the window.
#2 I’m defiantly going to fail that test on Tuesday.
What kind of professor gives a test the second day back? We were all too busy having fun and enjoying photosynthesis, not studying it.
#3 Do I really need a degree?
We all have that dream of living in our parent’s basement for the rest of our lives, and hey! I hear McDonalds is raising their wages!
#4 There’s no way I’m waking up for my 8 a.m. Monday morning.
Isn’t funny how you sleep in for one day, and all of a sudden it feels like it is impossible to wake up for an 8 a.m. Maybe being 15 minutes late to class won’t be that noticeable.
#5 Is it summer yet?
It is the worst feeling in the world going from sunshine and sand to classrooms and exams. Two more months; It will all be okay.
#6 I really did not miss my neighbors at all.
I’m sure we all missed being kept up all night by the guy down the hallway making strange noises. There is no way to even describe some of the sounds that are heard, and it is not necessary to slam doors that loud at 2 in the morning.
#7 The food in the cafeteria sucks!
What even is that? A hamburger? A brownie? The world may never know…
#8 I did not realize how uncomfortable my bed is until I got to sleep in my own for a week.
Whether you were at home or staying in a hotel, the bed you just spent the week in was much more comfortable than the one in your college dorm room is. Most of us probably spent Sunday Night tossing and turning, trying anything to be satisfied enough to sleep.
#9 I can’t believe I have to share a room again.
No matter how much you may love your roommate, you love having your own space more. You have someone to talk to nightly again, but you also have double the mess and a debate over who will take the first shower.