This article is dedicated to my sore mouth and four wisdom teeth that are currently sitting in a mini manila envelope on my desk. Here's to being a little less wise!
Day One
1. I feel fine!
That's the drugs talking.
2. I can't feel anything.
Is that my tongue or my lips?
3. I want a milkshake!
I just had major oral surgery. I think I deserve a trip to Cookout.
4. Give me my pain meds!!
As soon as the numbing medicine wears off.
Day Two
5. I better not get a dry socket.
Not trying to deal with that.
6. Swish with salt water? Ugh...
My mouth tastes like salt 24/7.
7. I'm just gonna eat ice cream for every meal.
I deserve it.
Day Three
8. I would do anything to eat normal food!
My diet has consisted or yogurt, soup and ice cream for the past three days and I am getting extremely hangry.
9. If I have to swish with salt water one more time I swear I'm going to throw up.
This sucks.
Day Four Or As Late As Week Three
10. No more pain! I'm healed!!!!
It's about time.