Netflix recently released their new show, "Fuller House." This show is a sequel to the ever so popular "Full House," whose first episode aired 30 years before Netflix released "Fuller House." If you grew up watching "Full House" and now 30 years later you enjoyed "Fuller House," here's some thoughts you may have had on it...
1. Woah, talk about Transformation Tuesday! I hope I look that good when I'm older!
When I started watching "Fuller House" I was so shocked at how good all of the actors looked! So many of them, including John Stamos and Lori Loughlin, look exactly the same as I remembered them in "Full House!" Candace Cameron and Jodie Sweetin have grown up so much and just look so happy and so much older and mature!
2. Wait, I don't even understand why the Olsen twins aren't on the show but I like the stab the cast took at them.
The pilot episode took a stab at the Olsen twins being MIA, and even into the later episodes the Olsen jokes never get old. As Kimmy Gibbler says in episode five, "No wonder they gave up acting with the prices of their dresses!"
3. Oops, did I just watch the entire season in one sitting?
This show is so easy to get addicted to and with only 13 episodes, it wasn't hard to watch it all in one sitting...which I did...I regret nothing.
4. I'm not crying, my eyes are just sweating...this show is bringing back my entire childhood...Ugh! The feels!
The nostalgia I experienced watching "Fuller House" was unreal. I grew up watching DJ and Stephanie argue and now they're the ones ending the arguments DJ's kids have. Not only have they grown up but so have I and this show made me realize that I'm not getting any younger.
5. DJ and Steve didn't get married? They were my OTP!
Let's be real, when Steve showed up at DJ's house we were all shocked. We thought he was the firefighter husband who died! Hey, at least there's a chance they'll still end up together!
6. The flashbacks from "Full House" kill me! Oh my gosh this sequel is so perfect!
When the girls were singing to baby Tommy and it showed Danny, Joey, and Jesse singing to baby Michelle in "Full House"...let's just say you'd be lying if you didn't get a little choked up at that flashback.
7. Did this show get funnier or am I just old enough to understand the jokes now?
Maybe it's time to re-watch "Full House;" it was funny the first time but now I might be old enough to understand the jokes in their full capacity.
8. Kimmy Gibbler is a better mom than I thought she'd be.
Her daughter is 13 years old and still alive, meaning Kimmy has been doing something right for 13 years; which is longer than I would've expected from her. She's married and had a daughter. Who would've guessed?!
9. Why isn't my family this cool?
This show makes me hope if my husband ever dies that my sister and best friend will move in with me and help me raise my kids!
10. When does season two come out?
I anticipated "Fuller House" coming out for so long and now I binge-watched the whole season in one Netflix, how long do I have to wait for season two?