While studying abroad, there are a lot of thoughts that randomly fly through your head. Studying abroad was the best experience of my life and I hope everyone can one day experience the journey of studying abroad. For those of you that have already studied abroad, I hope you can relate to this—but for those who have not had the incredible experience yet, here is a little foreshadowing of some of the thoughts you may have.
1. Where am I going?
Honestly, this thought happens more than you think it will. While traveling around a completely foreign country or city, you are bound to get a little lost. Fortunately enough, you look like a tourist and there should be someone around to answer your question. But whatever you do, try to hide your maps so you don't look like a completely lost tourist. Hint: Take a picture of the map on your phone.
2. Wow, they dress up a lot more than Americans.
I don't know about you, but I came across this while I studied abroad. Leggings and long sleeves aren't a normal everyday outfit across the ocean. The struggle of only having some nicer clothes in my suitcase started to be a problem. Hint: Research your country's clothing style before packing your suitcase.
3. This food does not taste the same.
Food. Sometimes you will run across food that is called the same exact thing it is in the United States but it will not taste the same. It is a disappointment when you are just craving some food to taste like home and when you get it, it is nothing you expected. Hint: McDonald's does not taste the same either, but try it for fun.
4. Why is everything so beautiful?
Don't get me wrong—America has some great places to visit but nothing can compare to seeing the beauty of another country (especially Europe). Everything is so new and different that you think everything is the best thing ever. The buildings, mountains, oceans—everything is just great. Hint: Takes lots of pictures. You may think that you're taking too many, but you are going to want to relive these moments forever.
5. I need to buy that.
You are going to want to buy a lot of things while abroad, but remember that you need to fit everything back into your suitcase. While traveling around and visiting new places, you want to buy something from everywhere to remember it, but pictures will do the job, too. Hint: Don't pack your suitcase full when you leave because you are going to want to bring new things home.
6. I never seen that sport before.
Depending on the country you go to, there may be sports that you've never seen before. Don't be afraid to get involved and try the sport out or even go watch a professional game. Hint: Cheer when everyone else cheers.
7. What did they say?
Accents and other languages are sometimes hard to catch on to. I felt like I was asking "What?" repeatedly, but locals also have a hard time understanding us. Hint: Talk slower. Americans tend to talk very quickly.
8. What time is it at home?
Talking to family and friends can get hard while studying abroad because of the time difference. With Wi-Fi, it is easy to have access to communicating with your family and friends, but the biggest struggle is finding a time to talk to them. Hint: Figure out what times would be good to talk to family and friends right away.
9. My feet hurt.
If you're anything like me, you will walk everywhere and get blisters on your feet. Walking everywhere is a great experience because you get to see everything and even work on your map-reading skills. Hint: Bring comfortable shoes.
10. Do I have to go home?
Saying goodbye is a happy and sad moment. You say goodbye to the people that guided you through your experience, but you are also so grateful to return to your family and friends. Hint: Make plans to go back; it may keep you sane.
Once you come back from studying abroad, I hope you remember that post-study abroad depression is real. You will spend countless hours looking back on pictures you have taken and want to talk about it constantly. But remember, your friends who did not study abroad will never understand the obsession with your experience.