1. I hope other people watched as much Netflix as I did.
It wasn't my whole summer, just a large chunk of it.
2. Maybe I should've exercised a bit more.
It's not like I got fat, I just enjoyed myself just enough.
3. I had a tan.. like a day ago.
4. Do I even remember how to study?
Sorry, but what?
5. What am I going to do without my own shower.
Please cherish every last moment of your own privacy, school showers are just.. well.. let's just say, maybe you want to stay at home as long as possible for that reason alone.
6. See ya endless options of food that I didn't have to pay for.
My mom bought any and anything I wanted, and I rarely had to spend a dime... well there goes my cash.
7. I thought I made more money this summer...
I don't have any idea where the money went, honestly...
8. Crap, I hope I have everything I need for school...
Glue, scissors, pencil, I should be good, right?
9. To get a job at school, or to live on pennies?
Self explanatory...
10. I sure did have an awesome summer.
Everyone's summer has a story! Share yours with anyone and everyone, i'm sure it was great; I know mine sure was!