For those of you who attend large universities, you probably don't suffer the anxiety of walking through a small campus with the high chance of seeing everyone almost every time you walk somewhere. Small campuses are a lot different than big universities in general, even if you get lucky enough to walk through campus without seeing a single soul (although unlikely). Here are 10 thoughts most people have while walking through a small campus.
1. "Sh*t, it's _____"
The one person you made a fool in front of yourself last weekend, or your crush, is coming your way. They're all the way across campus, across the street and down the road, but you can still see them coming.
2. "Which way should I walk to _____?"
Although campus is small, there are at least five different ways to get to where you're going and it's always a struggle to decide which is fastest, or which way to go in order to avoid someone you know walks that way.
3. "Ugh that's so far away."
On a small campus, it's not much more than a five minute walk throughout the entire school grounds, but when it comes down to actually walking across campus, you're dreading it and it feels so far away.
4. "What are the chances I'll see _____?
Whether you're walking to class or walk-of-shaming, you've gotta prepare yourself for the absolute worst at all times.
5. "I'm definitely going to see him/her tonight"
On such a small campus, there's not much room for questioning whether or not you'll see someone out on the weekends. Chances are if they go out, you'll be at the same place.
6. "Who's that? I'm going to creep him/her"
In the off chance that you don't know who someone is or know their name, it's pretty easy to figure it out quickly on social media through mutual friends, etc.
7. *sitting in the union or the dining hall* "And over there are the PA's, the AT's, PT's..."
After a while, you just start to know what everyone's major is, especially the students who are in programs because they usually all travel together.
8. "Him/her? He/she's a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior"
Much like majors and programs, everyone basically knows what grade everyone is in. Even if you don't know for sure, it's not hard to figure out.
9. "Ugh I've heard this professor is awful" or "I heard this professor is awesome!"
There's only so many professors at a small school, and with such small class sizes you usually get to know them pretty well. Word travels pretty quickly about which professors you should take classes with and which you shouldn't.
10. "I love this place"
I can't really say much about a large university because I've never attended one, but I know for a fact that walking through a small campus and seeing so many people you know and being a name rather than a number is such an awesome thing. I love the atmosphere of a small campus, I love this place.